Easter Egger club!

Hello my EE friends!  Question for ya...  My pullet Nugget is now 21 weeks old.  All of a sudden her little peacomb has started to change.  It's starting to get a little taller off of her face.  I haven't noticed a significant color change to red but still hoping that this could mean we are close?  I'm dying here!  She is my first chicken ever!  What do you think?  Am I close to seeing my very first egg?  :fl  

You are close when it turns red and when she starts squatting. You can also check her pelvic bones... If they are about 2 finger widths apart, she'll lay!

One of my 2 EEs started laying 2 weeks ago, at a about 24 weeks. Her eggs have a nice minty green tint. My other EE, the one with muffs and beard still has not laid and is the slowest grower in my flock. The brown eggs in the photo below belong to my BR.




She is not a he:) I apologise for not being clearer. She lays eggs and has been since 30 weeks. She simply chooses not to squat. My point was that they do not have to squat before they will lay eggs. Some girls just aren't squatters:)
Squatting usually comes if there is a rooster in the area that wants to mate. Some girls will squat when you try to pet them or just walk by them. It's basically a submission move and they will squat before a dominant hen. I did see my AM stop feeding and squat, no one around her, then back to feeding, 5 minutes latter she did it again. The next day she laid her first egg. Chickens are the craziest people!!!
Here's my little Easter Eggers at two weeks. Ari looks like a little owl. Ali is starting to get more white than yellow. They're so cute. Growing much slower than my copper black marans chicks though.


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