Easter Egger club!

Obviously they had no idea what she was since they thought she was an Ameraucana mix. And who knows... maybe its a Langshan Ameraucana mix that just shows very strong on the Langshan side of its genetics? Try posting that photo (or a better closeup) on one of the Langshan groups on here and see what those folks have to say.

I will try to get a better photo and do that...thnx
Miss Poppy.....I was told she is part Ameracauna. She looks nothing like it that I can tell, she gives me a nice creamy beige egg and she is so pretty. Wish I could have gotten a closer shot. Maybe when she is in the nest I can do better. She wears little feathery leggings.
From a distance, I'm not seeing the AM part; no fluffy cheeks and beard, That looks like a single comb instead of peacomb. But the color is awesome...
Hello my EE friends! Question for ya... My pullet Nugget is now 21 weeks old. All of a sudden her little peacomb has started to change. It's starting to get a little taller off of her face. I haven't noticed a significant color change to red but still hoping that this could mean we are close? I'm dying here! She is my first chicken ever! What do you think? Am I close to seeing my very first egg?
My first EE to lay got very much redder on the face and pea comb, began checking out nest boxes two to three weeks before she laid, and was squatting at least ten days before she laid. Her first egg came at five months.

My second EE is has the red color, but shows no interest in nest boxes and doesn't squat, and she will be 26 weeks tomorrow.
She is not a he:) I apologise for not being clearer. She lays eggs and has been since 30 weeks. She simply chooses not to squat. My point was that they do not have to squat before they will lay eggs. Some girls just aren't squatters:)
I have two easter eggers from the same hatch (actually 3, but one of my pullets turned out to be a roo). Vera laid her first pretty green egg at 22 weeks. Her comb had reddened, she was spending time rearranging the nest, and she was squatting for at least a few days. Vi, on the other hand, at 25 weeks now, as not laid her first egg. Her comb had reddened, and she has been squatting the past few days, but I have not seen or heard her in the nest. I think she is getting close and am hoping for a blue or green egg from her.
My roo, now called Piper, wears a "no crow" collar. It has reduced his volume and I think frequency, but time will tell if it's enough for him to remain with us.

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