Easter Egger club!

my top breeding rooster
Nice chicks Jerryse and Insanity! Mike your roo is nice looking too! Fester is still fairly young and I am waiting for him to man up and put the one year olds in their places. He and Lurch both put the pullets in line but not my hens, so they are separated still. My EE youngsters are flighty even though they have been handled since I got them but the Cochins will cuddle. My hens will hop on my back and one has a thing for ear rings, ow!
She is 20 weeks old. This is my first time with leghorns. So far, the only dislike is that they like to fly. Hopefully they are good egg producers!
My leghorn is really flighty. She is the most skittish of all my birds. Fortunately, I have netting over the top of the run, so she stays in. She loves to eat out of my hand, but always does it suspiciously, and quickly backs away as soon I reach over to touch her.
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I am a first time chicken owner I have 14 EE and had them since they were a weeks old but all of them are skittish why? They are now all about 15 weeks old How can I get them to come to me or sit on my shoulder?

I have two Easter Eggers, in a flock of 10 total birds. They are 20 & 24 weeks. The older one is a total ham, and is always under foot. Once the younger one began laying, she became a lot friendlier...mainly because every time I got close, she would squat! But they are around other birds that love attention, so that probably helps. Give them lots of treats, and that may help overcome the skittishness.
Mine were at 21 & 19 weeks. The Easter Egger was the 1st to start laying in my flock.
My second year of raising chicks was the first time I ever got easter eggers. The first one to start laying was 16 weeks old. I can't remember when the other ones started laying. None of my EE's started laying yet from this years and they are 20 weeks old now. Hopefully soon!

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