Easter Egger club!

Chickens have no real concept of time. I know my girls are up fairly early, but I don't let them out of the coop til it starts getting light out.
I have read about people saying their chickens get pretty loud. I guess I've been lucky...until now. Recently the girls have really gotten into "singing" the egg song. But it's usually during daylight hours. This morning however they started in about 6:50 am!! So out I went to let them out early. They came rushing out the door like usual, only to stop dead in their tracks when they realized it was still dark! They cautiously made their way to the feed bucket, ate a few bites, then headed right back into the coop, where the light was still on lol

Some times I hear my roosters crowing 2 am , I know when someone comes in the yard they go off and warn the girls,
I guess I am lucky. I only have one rooster and he is pretty quit most of the time. So are my hens until some of them lay an egg then they start singing away.
This isn't about my EEs, but I have a rooster whose comb won't stop bleeding! There is a lot of blood on his face and comb, as well as some that has soaked into his neck feathers. I looked up what could be the problem, and found that it could be frost bite, as we have had temperatures reaching -20 with the wind chill, but the coop seems warm to me. Any advice on how to stop the bleeding?
Thank you, I had just gone out to fix him up and he was lying dead on the ground. Could his comb really have caused him to bleed to death? It had bled a couple days ago but we had gotten it to stop but it started again.
Thank you, I had just gone out to fix him up and he was lying dead on the ground. Could his comb really have caused him to bleed to death? It had bled a couple days ago but we had gotten it to stop but it started again.
Wow, I am so sorry! Was it a lot if blood? I don't know, he doesn't have any other injuries? I don't have enough experience. I hope someone with more experience will be able to help you. You can also post in injuries and emergency section, maybe someone there can offer some advice.
@carriebain thank you, there was quite a but of blood, but I believe he died from not eating or drinking, as there was no blood on the feeder or waterer. I am not as sad about losing this rooster as I would on of my hens (this rooster was mean and had attacked me and my little brother) but I still feel bad about him dying.

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