Easter Egger club!

If you have a local farm store check with them. TSC has chicks days in the spring. They usually have EE. They may be in a assorted group but easy to identify for most. Do not depend on employees to know. I have sorted through the assortments for OE games and silkies. The employee had no idea but did take some pointers on how to tell. They are usually in the $3-$4 range. Farm king and Farm and Fleet you can order.
I called and our TSC says they SOMETIMES have EE or ameraucana's.

Holy cow! I could see paying $20 for a pullet. But not for day olds!
See now why I went into a rant.... lol still dont know why they told me 20.00. they are big enough hatchery that I have their catalog. At first I thought they were pricing pullets so I call to ask about chicks cause I want to hand raise them and I was told that was the chick price, from 2 different places. I have wanted EE's sence my rescued old girl died last summer, but I refuse to pay that much. I dont show, I just want a pretty egg basket.

I took this pic in the house. But the lighting just doesn't show the "blue" enough. The brown one is from my Red Star just to show size.

This one I just took outside when I went out for our second gathering of the day. The blue is from one of my EE's, and the pink is from my Barred Rock.

My fridge looks like Easter! Again, the color is off because of the lighting. This is 7 days worth of eggs! We write the dates on them as we gather, so we are sure to use the older ones first. Pictured: large rusty brown from my Red Star, medium pink from my BR, and the rest are medium various shades of blue and blue-green from my 3 EE's
wow now that's what I want, color!!! I had no ideal the pink eggs came from BR's I have even been researching trying to find what chicken layed them.

We have 2 EE's!! They are not so friendly though. All our chickens were rescued from nasty homes. We 16. The first 10 had 1 EE in the group and then we rescued 6 more and found out that the EE in that group was sister to one we had already rescued! so they have been reunited. Since we didn't raise them ourselves, they will walk over my feet while feeding but none will allow me to pet or pick them up, especially our EE's. They are the most skittish of the bunch...and some what bossy!! lol

Since they are amerucana's we called them Yankee and Rebel :) This is Rebel a few days after we brought them home.

They were both so scraggly and missing so many feathers when we got them. Both in really rough shape but now they are all filled out and healthy and we have a hard time telling them apart lol Sometimes the only way we can tell is when El Diablo, our Roo, rapes Yankee lol she is his favourite!!
I need to look up a pic of the rescued hen that gave me the green eggs and see if you all know what she was, I want some more of her too she gave me the prettiest drk green eggs and they were so big I couldn't close a store lg egg cartoon... lol
She looked real bad when I got her too, and scared of her own shadow but we got her out of that.

All my girls are real friendly. But we have hand raised them from 3 days old (except our Red Star who we bought at 16wks). From chicks on we made sure they were constantly handled. Once the girls were moved out to the coop/run they did get a little skidish. We'd have to corral them into a corner to pick them up. But once it our arms, they didn't struggle. Now that they are all laying, all I have to do is reach for them and they squat right down, and I can pick them right up!
I have about 13 buff orp's that are like that, which is a step up from when we first got them. a friend bought 37 of them ( 2 mth old Pullets ) from where I don't know, they have beaks that look like they have been cut off. any way the guy didn't want them after all so my friend was "stuck" with too many hens for his coops and I got 13 from him cause My hen house was attacked and I was only left with 4 out of 30 all in 1 night.
Thanks so much all of you, for the info and renewing my hope that I CAN AFFORD my EE's.
All my girls are real friendly. But we have hand raised them from 3 days old (except our Red Star who we bought at 16wks). From chicks on we made sure they were constantly handled. Once the girls were moved out to the coop/run they did get a little skidish. We'd have to corral them into a corner to pick them up. But once it our arms, they didn't struggle. Now that they are all laying, all I have to do is reach for them and they squat right down, and I can pick them right up!

oh I wish!!!!! Most of the ones in the first batch we rescued, with the exception of the EE, were already 5-6 years old. Once they start to make there way to chicken heaven, we plan on getting 1-3 day olds and raising them ourselves!! I am sure it will make a difference in the friendliness/handling of the chickens!!
Though they are all friendly enough and follow us around everywhere when out ranging about lol I have sat and feed them around my legs and they jump onto my legs but as soon as i slowly reach my hand out, gone!! lol its cute but I wish I could pick them up and handle them. The only time I have been able to do it is when Blacksheep (the one in my avatar) was sick and couldn't get away and then Hermione hurt her ankle and couldn't get away either lol

this is the hen that gave me the big drk. green eggs that I couldn't close the cartoon lid. If anyone knows what she is please let me know so I can get some more of her... she was the best mom too not even her chicks, but she taught them how to find and scratch up some really nice worms and some big grubs too lol
and NO WAY one of the other hens were getting near them.
wow now that's what I want,  color!!!  I had no ideal the pink eggs came from BR's I have even been researching trying to find what chicken layed them.  

"They" say that BR's lay a "light brown" egg. But my Roxi's are really more pink that light brown.
oh I wish!!!!!  Most of the ones in the first batch we rescued, with the exception of the EE, were already 5-6 years old. Once they start to make there way to chicken heaven, we plan on getting 1-3 day olds and raising them ourselves!! I am sure it will make a difference in the friendliness/handling of the chickens!! 
Though they are all friendly enough and follow us around everywhere when out ranging about lol I have sat and feed them around my legs and they jump onto my legs but as soon as i slowly reach my hand out, gone!! lol its cute but I wish I could pick them up and handle them. The only time I have been able to do it is when Blacksheep (the one in my avatar) was sick and couldn't get away and then Hermione hurt her ankle and couldn't get away either lol

Have you tried cornering them so you can pick them up? While I'm new to chicken keeping, it didn't take long for me to figure out how the pick them up so the couldn't flap their wings. I center my hands over each wing, and then tuck them under one arm like a football and my hand supporting the breast. This way it leaves one hand free for gentle petting and to offer treats. I did this with my Red Star that we bought when she was 16wks old. It didn't take her long to figure out being picked up wasn't such a bad thing lol
wow now that's what I want, color!!! I had no ideal the pink eggs came from BR's I have even been researching trying to find what chicken layed them.

"They" say that BR's lay a "light brown" egg. But my Roxi's are really more pink that light brown.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I have BR's and the eggs are pinkish when sitting next to the other eggs....
In the 3 yrs I've had chickens , the ones who are skidish when chicks seem to be the friendly ones as adults..my old english banty cant wait to fly on your shoulder when u enter the coop and chirps away in your ear, like she's talking to ya...

then the chicks who were friendly seems to shy away and very independent, they do have there own personalities though, it all started when my son hatched out eggs in school, and that rooster...yes ROOSTER, leghorn, if you have something in your hands that he wants... he comes up and wants to kick u, well after I kicked him back he relized this old Hen wont take that he settled down,
Yeah I have BR's and the eggs are pinkish when sitting next to the other eggs....:caf

The funny thing is, they are the same color and weight as the terra cotta eggs we had in the nests when the girls were still learning where to lay. One day my DH came in all excited because Roxi had "laid 2 eggs in one day!". I burst out laughing so hard! Then I felt bad for laughing at him...but it was funny :D

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