Easter Egger club!

New Black EE in the coop... I will post a picture when she gets settled in. Probably my last chicken for a while... the coop seems to be shrinking.

Here are a couple of pictures of my new EE. The pics are not very good as it is getting dark out and she keeps trying to hide from me. She is rumpless... Yeah!!
I still need to name her.

This is Si, my EE that I brought home 2 months ago. She lays a lovely light olive egg and behind her is Penny the RIR. The new EE is fitting in very well with the other two girls... but... Smoke, my original hen, will not come out from under the toy hauler. I think she knows that something is up and Smoke is the lead hen. Its getting dark. Things could get interesting.
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Here are a couple of pictures of my new EE. The pics are not very good as it is getting dark out and she keeps trying to hide from me. She is rumpless... Yeah!! :ya I still need to name her. This is Si, my EE that I brought home 2 months ago. She lays a lovely light olive egg and behind her is Penny the RIR. The new EE is fitting in very well with the other two girls... but... Smoke, my original hen, will not come out from under the toy hauler. I think she knows that something is up and Smoke is the lead hen. Its getting dark. Things could get interesting. :smack
she is a beautiful bird. Hope goes well for them.
All is well with the new EE, now named Rumples and the rest of the girls. The low hen in the flock, Si (my other EE) has taken her under her wing. Si and Rumples are roosting together. It warms my heart because Si was always the loner. Now she has a friend....
Tell me, how do you go about integrating a newbie into your flock? I think I added my chicks too early and they are just now starting to hold their own against the Big Girls. Well the one is, the cross beaked one is smaller and flightier, for good reason. I have these two newbies in a temp pen next to the girls run and in their yard so everyone can see each other. The newbies are 4-5 months old.  Just curious what some other folks do.

Update on the new EE. I brought her home yesterday and put the crate in the run. When the other 2 girls went into the run, I opened the crate door and closed the door to the run. After a few minutes... I checked on the new EE (Rumples) and she was in the run hanging out with the other 2. When it got dark, I let the lead hen into the run and she acted like all was normal. Si, my first EE has taken Rumples under her wing. All is good. :-D
Update on the new EE. I brought her home yesterday and put the crate in the run. When the other 2 girls went into the run, I opened the crate door and closed the door to the run. After a few minutes... I checked on the new EE (Rumples) and she was in the run hanging out with the other 2. When it got dark, I let the lead hen into the run and she acted like all was normal. Si, my first EE has taken Rumples under her wing. All is good. :-D

Here are the two newbies, the white is an EE and the black is a BCM. Set them up in a temp pen attached to side of run for a few days, started integration last Thursday. Has gone better than I expected. However, upon closer inspection, turns out our new EE Wilma is really William the Roo. The sweetest, most docile of all the flock, but a roo nonetheless. So he is headed back to the hatchery to be swapped for an actual hen. Anyone in the So. Cal. area interested in a sweet, pure white, blue legged EE, head to Chickens Galore next week and ask for my return.

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