Easter Egger club!

Here are Si's second and third eggs that she laid. The one on the bottom is a more minty green. That one was her second egg. She was almost 29 weeks old when she laid her 1st egg. Her first egg was so thin that it broke when I picked it up and was a very very pale color. Now I am trying to talk my DH into one more EE and then a BCM or a Welsummer. Gotta go for the colorful egg basket!
Oh my.... I have fallen into chicken math...
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Here are Si's second and third eggs that she laid. The one on the bottom is a more minty green. That one was her second egg. She was almost 29 weeks old when she laid her 1st egg. Her first egg was so thin that it broke when I picked it up and was a very very pale color. Now I am trying to talk my DH into one more EE and then a BCM or a Welsummer. Gotta go for the colorful egg basket!
Oh my.... I have fallen into chicken math...
Ohhh, how pretty. My LF EE is almost 10 months and no eggs yet. Have two Bantam EE girls that are 19 weeks and combs are barely pink so it will be a while for them.

Here are Si's second and third eggs that she laid. The one on the bottom is a more minty green. That one was her second egg. She was almost 29 weeks old when she laid her 1st egg. Her first egg was so thin that it broke when I picked it up and was a very very pale color. Now I am trying to talk my DH into one more EE and then a BCM or a Welsummer. Gotta go for the colorful egg basket!
Oh my.... I have fallen into chicken math...


I lost my two older EE's and am still waiting for my little ones to lay. I think we are nearing 26 weeks. Combs have been bright red for a few weeks now. Just added a white EE and a BCM to my 2 EE's, 2 BR & 1 SLW. I too am all about the colorful egg basket. Cannot wait to see what they all lay, I am getting bored with my BR & SLW brown and cream eggs ;-)

That chicken math got me too. I will hopefully be adding 2 Blue Copper Marans pullets in the spring and 2 Olive Eggers next fall. So much for my original 6 chickens only plan, ha ha!
I am picking up a Black EE pullet on Friday! Wheeee!!! Chicken math at work.. Teehee...

Tell me, how do you go about integrating a newbie into your flock? I think I added my chicks too early and they are just now starting to hold their own against the Big Girls. Well the one is, the cross beaked one is smaller and flightier, for good reason. I have these two newbies in a temp pen next to the girls run and in their yard so everyone can see each other. The newbies are 4-5 months old. Just curious what some other folks do.
Tell me, how do you go about integrating a newbie into your flock? I think I added my chicks too early and they are just now starting to hold their own against the Big Girls. Well the one is, the cross beaked one is smaller and flightier, for good reason. I have these two newbies in a temp pen next to the girls run and in their yard so everyone can see each other. The newbies are 4-5 months old. Just curious what some other folks do.
I waited a week. There was still some bullying going on but it eased up after a couple of weeks. This is to be expected as long as no one gets hurt. It seems that hand feeding them makes the process go a little faster, although you will get beat-up a little. lol
I waited a week. There was still some bullying going on but it eased up after a couple of weeks. This is to be expected as long as no one gets hurt. It seems that hand feeding them makes the process go a little faster, although you will get beat-up a little. lol

Was thinking of sneaking the newbies in tomorrow night as it is about to get cold and rainy here and the temp pen is not the most hospitable place. Plus, I will be home during daylight hours for the following days to intervene if need be. I like the idea of the hand feeding, will try that, thanks. The nice thing is the newbies are not little pullets. May also combine my EE nuggets in first as they are all about the same age and temperament. My BR's are the protectors. A big, I mean big, bird came over from the neighbors yard the other day, not sure if it is a capon, young roo or giant hen but my two BR's took charge of that situation and promptly told the intruder where to go. Was quite a site considering how much smaller they were. Those 2 BR's are the most forward, confident birds of my flock, they are also a crack up. Only birds that continue to try to join us in the kitchen and can hold their own against my 2 big dogs when it comes time for treats.
Was thinking of sneaking the newbies in tomorrow night as it is about to get cold and rainy here and the temp pen is not the most hospitable place. Plus, I will be home during daylight hours for the following days to intervene if need be. I like the idea of the hand feeding, will try that, thanks. The nice thing is the newbies are not little pullets. May also combine my EE nuggets in first as they are all about the same age and temperament. My BR's are the protectors. A big, I mean big, bird came over from the neighbors yard the other day, not sure if it is a capon, young roo or giant hen but my two BR's took charge of that situation and promptly told the intruder where to go. Was quite a site considering how much smaller they were. Those 2 BR's are the most forward, confident birds of my flock, they are also a crack up. Only birds that continue to try to join us in the kitchen and can hold their own against my 2 big dogs when it comes time for treats.
Sounds like a good plan...
I hand fed them the chicken muffins this morning.... I have bruises to show for it. We got 5 eggs so far today.... I heard more squawking a little while ago, so maybe today we can hit the 6 egg mark for the first time.... Wings crossed!
Sounds like a good plan...
I hand fed them the chicken muffins this morning.... I have bruises to show for it. We got 5 eggs so far today.... I heard more squawking a little while ago, so maybe today we can hit the 6 egg mark for the first time.... Wings crossed!

Are all your hens the same age? I think we have been in this crazy chicken thing for about the same amount of time. Though I cheated and adopted 6 hens that were 7 months and laying and bought just 2 chicks that were 1 week old.

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