Easter Egger club!

This is her face close up
Hmmmmm, ok thanks. :). I was told that she was an Ameraucana at the store I bought her from. :\
sadly most birds sold as araucanas and ameraucanas are in fact EEs. But, on the good side of that coin, I have had both and I highly prefer the EEs. They have sweeter personalities, seem more trusting and some lays blue eggs the same shade as the ameraucanas. The only ameruacana I still have is 3 years old and still lays 4 eggs a week (the others stopped laying regularly quite awhile ago). After her time comes I won't be getting anymore. I highly prefer EEs.
sadly most birds sold as araucanas and ameraucanas are in fact EEs. But, on the good side of that coin, I have had both and I highly prefer the EEs. They have sweeter personalities, seem more trusting and some lays blue eggs the same shade as the ameraucanas. The only ameruacana I still have is 3 years old and still lays 4 eggs a week (the others stopped laying regularly quite awhile ago). After her time comes I won't be getting anymore. I highly prefer EEs.
Ok,.thanks. :). Well, if she's an Easter Egger like you said she doesn't have the same tempermant as a normal Eater Egger.
I have two EEs that I've raised from chicks, and I've acquired 2 gold wing phoenix hens two weeks ago. They've been quarantined, and today I took them outside in a large wire dog kennel to meet the EEs. One of my EEs is so curious, always comes running when I come out and she was all over meeting the new girls. I hung a suet cage with lettuce so they could all eat safely, and they were just chatting away. The second EE is a bit more of a loner, so din't come around too much, but Sunshine spent most of the day near the kennel. They all made very sweet noises, so it seemed like a success. We have a very large open space fenced in on our property, and I'm just itching to get the new ones out of the kennel, so I introduced them all a little closer in the closed coop before bed. I even set out lots of scratch which is always exciting. But the EEs were rather aggressive. The Phoenix hens are about 2/3 the size of the EEs, so they look like babies (they are 9 mo, the EEs are 7.5 mo) I left them together for about 10 minutes and the new ones looked pretty desperate to get out, so I moved them back to the kennel. Do you think they will always pick on the new ones, since they are established and larger? They are normally so sweet, but I know there is a pecking order and the locals will want to be in charge.
Thank you so much for everything.

I will check craigs list for pullets then of both varieties. I am mainly interested in the prettiest colored eggs, any recommendations?

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.



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