EARTH DAY - What are you doing to better the environment?

Guppies work very well for that too. Goldfish would work but they are a little more sensitive to water conditions and can become invasive if released into a natural water way. Guppies are cheap, reproduce like crazy and can't survive through cold winters so they won't become invasive in the northern parts of the country.
I'll tell you what I am a hippy reborn. I am so big on living with the earth and not against it.

My philosophy is that we don't own the earth. We are simply renting it for as long as we are here. I have always been taught that when you borrow/rent something that you give it back in better condition that when you took it.

*all our bulbs are the energy saving ones
*I have rain barrels
*I reuse bath water and washing machine water to use in the yard
*we use 100% organic soaps, detergents, pesticides, fertilizers etc.
*the animals eat organic foods
*all our kitchen scraps either go into the chickens or the garden
*all news papers, most card board and brown paper bags go into the worm bin. Worm LOVE paper products.
*we recycle plastic, metal, glass and paper
*No lights on in the house during the day. I just throw open the blinds and let the sun light in.
*no water running during teeth brushing, shaving etc.
*there is a brick in the toilet thing to raise the water level so it uses less water and a sigh that says "two tinkles per flush please"
*we buy as much local food a possible.
*I ride my bike as much a possible. I have one of those pull behind carts for my daughter to ride in. She loves it.
*I use reusable canves bags for grocery shopping with
*I buy groceries in the largest size available to avoid excess packaging.

Gosh there are so many things we do I can't think of them all.
One of my bosses a couple of jobs back had a sign in the bathroom that said, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down"
We have a low flush toilet and wash all our clothes on cold.

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