Early hatches

Mrs. Mucket

9 Years
May 3, 2010
Pacific Northwest
What factors affect when eggs hatch? On my first and second hatches of Freedom Ranger offspring, most chicks hatched on Day 20, some on Day 19. This time (third hatch) I went to remove the turner for lockdown on Day 18, and two eggs had already pipped. One hatched and looks fine, the other is still peeping and enlarging the pip opening. The incubator and turner are automated and temps/humidity have appeared normal.
Higher temps will make them hatch early. If they are consistently hatching early, the incubator temp is a little too high. What does the thermometer say?
Temperature is the most usual deciding factor. I usually run my incubator around 100 degrees. I have had chicks hatch on day 18 or 19. I think if the eggs are warm when you put them in the incubator they tend to start developing sooner and if the eggs are cool it will take a little longer to start development. Just my opinion from my hatches.
The thermometer usually reads between 99 and 100 degrees F. It's a Hovabator with thermostat. Maybe I'll check with another thermometer.

I try to keep the eggs at 55-60 degrees before hatch, but come to think of it I did bring one egg directly from coop to incubator.

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