Ear Lobe Color - HELP


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
Anybody have any idea how earlobe color works, when it comes to dominant/recessive traits? Specifically, I am looking for if blue/turquoise earlobes are dominant or recessive.

I keep purebred Araucanas, and I did a large flock cull earlier in the year. But I failed to notice (how terrible of me) that two of the birds I kept have blue earlobes! I was culling out other traits, I failed to even notice earlobe color. Now I'm horrified, since I have so few birds to work with. My rooster has lovely red earlobes, as is standard for the breed.

By the way, the blue earlobes all come from Araucanas I brought into the flock as hatching eggs. Not from my own birds. But like I said, I culled hard, and kept those. Now I wish I hadn't. I'd rather have the tails, which I can easily fix and I know the inheritance of (my rooster is rumpless/tufted, so it makes for an easy fix).
I could be wrong, but I'd guess that red ear lobes are dominant, otherwise more birds would have the blue ear lobes...

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