Dying Rooster? Please help


Mar 2, 2016
My rooster has not been acting himself for the last 3 days. He has been with our goats which is unusual and doesnt want to go back to his coop. I was gone yesterday and my daughter told me he doesnt look good. Today he won't even get up even when I pick him up (he is not tame BTW and does not normally let me near enough to touch him). I found him in our green house (where they sometimes stay) in the corner keeps closing his eyes like he might be dying. The other girls are OK no one seems to be sick or injured. He's not even a year old, we did have a rooster die a few weeks ago suddenly for no apparent reason no signs of sickness or anything, just found him hard as a rock one day. What should I do and what could be the cause of this? I gave him some water with electrolytes in it, he doesnt eat or drink on his own, I had to open his beak to get some water in there, he did drink it down, but wont do anything on is own, just sits there with his eyes open then closed. I have him in our garage under a heat lamp, its been so cold outside and I can see he has some bad frostbite, I feel so bad, I don't want to loose him, please help with any advice.

Thank you
If he has frostbite somewhere, that might be why he is acting so ill. Can you post any pictures of him? Where is the frostbite—comb, wattles, toes? Can you try offering him some chicken feed with warm water and some bits of scrambled egg in a small bowl or cup up to his beak? What have your low temps been?

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