Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I get the same kick when people find out I'm a psychologist: 1) they instantly become self-conscious b/c they think I'm analyzing everything they say, and 2) I'm nuttier than all the rest of them put together.

Let's see here - um, obsession with chickens, knows who the Clampetts were, and types messages to total strangers only to hit a button called "Submit" and see that message vanish in one format and appear in another. Nope, you sound perfectly un-nutts to me.
I thought insanity was a pre-requisite for the whole field.

That's what I've heard. And, from what I've seen, I think what I've heard is correct. Besides, considering who our client base is, it's also a necessity. It's easier on the psyche to already BE nuts, rather than wait for them to make you nuts.
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Not dating yourself too bad, I'm 26 and I watched beverly hillbillies, green acres, andy griffith show, the rifleman, and bonanza, not to mention old movies like "the ugly dachsund", and "the horse in the grey flannel suit"

Yes, but when we were watching those shows they were neither "reruns" nor "old". They were "current" and part of the prime time line up. Plus I was either already an adult or at least a teenager when they were on. <gulp>
Yes, but when we were watching those shows they were neither "reruns" nor "old". They were "current" and part of the prime time line up. Plus I was either already an adult or at least a teenager when they were on.
"GULP" heh heh heh. I'm proud to be "old school". Yes ma'am, No ma'am, Thank ya ma'am....Please. :)
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Here's an old favorite on the subject:
Ellie Mae talking about taking her critters for a swim in the cement pond. Good times. I never could figure out whose granny Granny was. Was it Jed's mother? Grandmother? And then poor Miss Hathaway.... Marm'y to the ends of the earth.
I could be wrong but I believe it was Jed's mother-in-law
"GULP" heh heh heh. I'm proud to be "old school". Yes ma'am, No ma'am, Thank ya ma'am....Please. :)

Amen to that. Now, all I get from kids is attitude.

The younger people around here call me "old school" because I actually cook, grow my own food, and raise chickens. Plus, I refuse to be plugged in to all the latest and greatest social technology. No thanks. I like face-to-face conversations and keeping my personal business personal. I don't assume anyone is interested in postings about my every banal activity, either, and I consider reading a good book "entertainment". So, if that makes me "old school", so be it. However, I don't see them turning down any of the home made, from scratch, "old school" goodies that I bring in to work on occasion.
Amen to that. Now, all I get from kids is attitude.

The younger people around here call me "old school" because I actually cook, grow my own food, and raise chickens. Plus, I refuse to be plugged in to all the latest and greatest social technology. No thanks. I like face-to-face conversations and keeping my personal business personal. I don't assume anyone is interested in postings about my every banal activity, either, and I consider reading a good book "entertainment". So, if that makes me "old school", so be it. However, I don't see them turning down any of the home made, from scratch, "old school" goodies that I bring in to work on occasion.

You must not mention what good hens you have to lay the eggs for your recipes. Lol
I am with you on that 100% percent!
While people may call me an old "fuddy duddy", I sure know a good way to live!
I am with you on that 100% percent!
While people may call me an old "fuddy duddy", I sure know a good way to live!

I've recently reconnected with my BFF from high school, who gets tired just looking at my gardens. She prefers to have someone do everything for her. However, she has commented that "you people sure do eat well up here"! Yeah, growing and cooking your own tends to have that as a consequence.
Good grief. I just unloaded 5 dozen eggs today, and I've got close to another dozen already, even though only 2 of my older girls are currently laying! My new flock of 7 is laying like crazy!
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