ducks vs guinea

Chicken Master1

6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
my chicken coop
I want to know all the pros and cons to ducks and guinea because i want some but i dont know which bird to get.
pros: eat bugs, snakes, etc.
cons: loud
pros: fun, fancy looking
cons: need a pond, waste water

i would like to hear evryones opinion on ducks or guinea.


ducks vs guinea​
Not all guineas will eat snakes. I've had guineas before and I would not probably ever get them again. Also, ducks do not need a pond to survive. Many people just use kiddie pools.
Mine were loud, aggressive, killed two of my ducks, and attacked me on a daily basis.
Drakes will often kill ducklings and many duck breeds make poor mothers.
I've got everything. Guineas, ducks, peacocks and chickens. I'd never get guineas again either. They're stupid as anything, contribute nothing and are aggressive toward all my other birds. The ducks are loud and I did build a pond for them but they lay some large eggs and I rather like watching them. Ducks I would do again but I would certainly limit the # of ducks you have because they do require a lot more work, particularly in the winter.
Guineas are still "wild fowl". You can tame them; but, it takes a ton of hard work. Daily handling at least twice a day for several minutes at a time. You can keep them with other fowl, if they have been raised with them and consider them part of their flock AND have plenty of space. Most people don't recommend it.

The second a guinea feels confined, they get mean. It's not because they are mean birds - it's because they feel trapped. They still have many of the wild instincts and when you confine a flighty bird like that, you can expect repercussions. With plenty of space, they do fine.

They are LOUD...there's no getting around it. Personally, I like the sound of guineas. A lot of people don't. I also do not try to treat my guineas as pets. They are more like the rescue birds and reptiles I've taken in. I handle them only as much as necessary, and do everything I can to make them realize I'm not a threat. I move slowly, don't chase them, and give them plenty of warning of where I'm going. I get in - do what I need to do - and get out. Their space is exactly that - their space. They tolerate me while I'm there; but, they are much more happy when I'm out of their territory.

Guineas do eat ticks...which is a huge plus for me, given my location. For me, though, the biggest benefit was my husband's happiness at having them. He used to have them as a child and still carries that fondness for them to this day. I think they are ugly - but, I love their 'song', the eggs are good and they keep me tick free.

Between my chickens and my guineas, I've hardly any pests to worry about on the property.

I've never had ducks, so I can't speak about their behaviors or personalities.
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