Duckling may have sour crop or aspirated


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2023
I have a 3 week old duckling that is not breathing right, won't eat or drink, and now the bill looks like it's turning blue. I'm not sure if it's sour crop or if it aspirated.

The duck was fine after eating this morning and about an hour and a half later I heard it sounding like it was coughing/choking. When I checked on it, it was coughing up food and food was coming out if its nostrils.
It has been doing ok but isn't as active and won't even play in the tub.
I also noticed its chest is swollen and kind of squishy.

We used to have the ducklings on the chick starter feed but we have changed them over to Purina duck pellets. We have been putting Oatmeal in with the food along with vitamins and adding some water to it.
We feed the 2x a day and they have water available 24/7.

Sometimes it will run away and quack but for the most part, it isn't moving as much and won't play at all.

I have attached a video of what the duckling is doing.
No. We have let them going swimming in the bathtub everyday but they are under constant supervision when they are in there.
They have water they can dip their head into when they eat just not 24/7 and they've all been fine up until today.
What happened with this baby? I brought home some week old ducklings, and one of them was doing something pretty similar to what yours is in this video. I thought he was choking and I dipped him in water and then I thought I might actually have ended up, drowning him, so I turned him upside down so the water would come out and some mucus came out with it, which does make me think he had something stuck in his throat.

But after that, he was fine and peeping, and I sat him down and left for about two minutes and when I came back, he was dead.

I would really like to know what happened with the duck and what all you did after you posted this video.

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