Duckling legs weak... what's wrong?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2016
We have two nearly one week old khaki Campbell ducklings. The female seems to be a little weak in the legs.

She walks around and then her legs will start to shake and then she'll squat down. It's like her legs are weak and can't hold her up any longer. She otherwise seems fine. She eats and drinks good and his social. And she does walk around, she just tires out quickly.

We feed them Purina Flock Raiser as well as lets them have Kale and bugs from the garden. The male seems fine so I'm not sure what it could be.

I took video but can't figure out how to upload it here.
Do an on site search by typing 'niacin deficiency ducklings' in the search bar at the top of the page. There are many threads on the problem. If this is her problem, the solution is to be found in these threads. Good luck at resolving the problem.
The feed has niacin in it. The feed store guy raises ducks and said that it has the right amount. We also feed veggies and bugs.

I wondered about the niacin but it doesnt look like it... just sort of weak and shaky when shes been up too long. I wish I could figure out how to upload my video to show what I mean.
I noticed wobbly legs in this batch of ducklings I'm raising from my two largest ducklings. I'm positive their nutrition was spot on so I started giving them extra exercise time with swims and yard walks. After the second day of more exercise they were much stronger and actually running around and jumping over each other.

Ducklings grow very fast and I think that their muscles and strength lag a bit behind when their bodies grow.
some ducklings need more niacin - so pick up some brewers yeast or get some niacin capsules and start adding it to their food or water
I found some niacin capsules (100mg) and added them to the water. Also increased exercise a bit by letting them play in the garden several times a day. She still seems weak in the legs though. Not like she's spraddle legged or anything. She'll be standing and her knees will start shaking like they're unstable and then she'll sit down. It is getting better though, so I guess that's a good sign.
If you hold the duck up in front of you do her legs hang straight down or do they come together?


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