Duckling jst hatched with a hole in its beak

Quack and Squeak

Jul 1, 2023
We are plagued with deformed ducklings thus year and this one that has just hatched reaches a new level of deformity.


It might shrink as it grows up but it might get worse.
Could it cause any other issues?
Should I see a vet or not?
Looks like the bill just didn't develop normally. We have a few members who have ducks with bill deformities. Let's see if we can get @ruthhope here to give you advise.
When ducklings have something like this the best thing to do is make sure they can eat and drink without problems and you may end up having to use a deep bowl for feed so the little one can scoop. But for now just enjoy the little one it sure is a cutie.
Thanks for the advice everyone. The duckling is getting on great. Has learned yo eat and drink. It will probably turn into a pet duck as it is the only 1 of the hatch.
Also since its dried out, I've realised that it will be crested! See the little white pompom on the back of his head!
I'm not surprised it has a crest. That's caused by a deformity of the skull. Keep an eye on the little one for any problems.

You may consider not breeding the parents anymore, since you've had so many problems. There's obviously something genetic going on.
Thanks everyone for your helpful messages. Unfortunately the duckling died on Friday. It had slowly been getting weaker and its probably better it died young than prolong a life of suffering.
Thanks everyone for your helpful messages. Unfortunately the duckling died on Friday. It had slowly been getting weaker and its probably better it died young than prolong a life of suffering.
Sorry to hear this. :hugs As you said though, it's probably for the best if there was that much wrong. Still doesn't make it any easier though... :hugs

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