Duckling eyes stuck closed...?


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2020
So our black swedish hatched 2.5 days ago now, had a bit of a troubled hatching with the yolk sac, but we're mainly worried about it's eyes. It looks like they're goopy or stuck shut...? We feel so bad cause she can't see anything, and must be so scared.

We keep trying to gently wash them out with water/saline but could something be wrong with them? In one, it sometimes manages to open, and it looks like something whiteish is in there? These are the best pics I can get of them.

Any help or commiseration appreciated!
Have you tried warm compresses? Won’t know if something is wrong till you can get a good look. 2.5 days ago is it eating an drinking?

What kind of warm compress...? We've been doing warm water on q-tips.
And it's drinking sugar water, and tiny bits of really wet food. It was born with it's yolk sac, which later burst, so we weren't sure where to go from there other than bits of water.
It didn’t absorb any of the yolk sac at all? Warm water a soaked wash cloth wring out excess water lay over the eyes maybe letting it sit over the eyes will help. Do you have any Terramycin eye ointment or Veterycin spray?
It didn’t absorb any of the yolk sac at all? Warm water a soaked wash cloth wring out excess water lay over the eyes maybe letting it sit over the eyes will help. Do you have any Terramycin eye ointment or Veterycin spray?

We think it did absorb a bit of it, but definitely not all. We had put it in a damp cloth, but when we checked back there was yolk everywhere. The sac seems to have dried up nicely now, and we're trying really hard to keep everything sanitary.

Okay thank you! It's eyes do manage to open once we soak them a bit, but then they kinda crust over or close again later on...

And I don't think we have either... Would they be for the sac or the eye? 😅

Thank you so much for replying!
Eyes. And if you hatch any more don’t wrap in a wet cloth that can cause chilling. Use a dry soft cloth and place the duckling in a small bowl in the bator until yolk is fully absorbed.
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Eyes. And if you hatch any more don’t wrap in a wet cloth that can cause chilling. Use a dry soft cloth and place the duckling in a small bowl in the bator unto yolk is fully absorbed.

After this poor thing and the stress of potentially losing it, I'm not sure when we will try to hatch again... But thank you, we read so many things online, and she was so active (still is) we just didn't think she'd stay in the cup/bowl!

And we might have neosporin!
That’s great it’s still active. How often are you feeding it? Do you have any nutridrench for poultry? Be sure to only offer warm water for drinking.

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