Duckling biting other duckling, to the point of bleeding. Help?


May 7, 2022
Central TX
Hello, first post! Apologizes if this has already been discussed somewhere, as I was not able to find anything similar.

So, I’m hatching + raising ducklings for the first time. I currently have two Pekin ducklings (3 and 4 weeks) and four Rouen ducklings (3, 4, 4 1/2, and 5 weeks) all in a brooder together. Well, as of today, my 4 week old Pekin has starting biting at the Rouens, specifically my 4 1/2 week old has started bleeding significantly from the quills on his wing. I separated him from the rest and let the blood dry and heal for a couple hours, but I’m not sure what to do going forward.

Should I put him back with the others? Will the problem solve itself? If not, how can I stop the Pekin from biting everyone?
Also, if it helps to know, I’m fairly certain the Pekin who’s biting is female. She‘s also the only one biting, no one else is very aggressive. Thank you!
Thank you :) I will go ahead and move them into a larger brooder and separate the Pekins if the issue persists. Luckily, our two eldest ducklings should be moving outside in a week / couple weeks, so hopefully all this won’t be too big of a problem.
If you are having nice weather take them outside and let them run around and tire themselves out. Of course with supervision. Bored ducklings need an outlet And running around outside is a good way for them to release that boredom. And have fun.
Hey, this is an update incase anyone sees this thread in the future + maybe has the same problem.

It doesn’t seem like it was a space issue. Even when outside, my eldest Pekin would still be biting at and hurting everyone else. I separated her from the rest of the ducklings, and we spent some quality bonding-time together. After about 2 days, she was much better :) She still bites everyone else occasionally, but the biting has definitely been reduced a lot. I’ve got some very happy duckies now.
If you are having nice weather take them outside and let them run around and tire themselves out. Of course with supervision. Bored ducklings need an outlet And running around outside is a good way for them to release that boredom. And have fun.
Your first sentence led me to believe you were talking about kids, (Just kidding)
Although your suggestion works either way. Other than that, sounds good.

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