Duck still alive at 33 days, not muscovy

The one you opened does not look like it was ready to hatch. If the other was developing at the same rate it will still be a few days. Was the mother a domestic duck?
I am 90% sure the mom was the domestic duck I found floating in the river. I am certain that the mom who laid the eggs was domestic because I saw her.

I don’t think there are any Muscovy ducks here, but even if there were, wouldn’t that duck look like other Muscovy ducklings? Grey or black bills right? 🤔 Perhaps it is a hybrid situation? That coupled with a cheap incubator might explain it.
Update for anyone interested. My remaining duck was still kicking yesterday. It looked like it had internally pipped maybe 2 days ago and was struggling to externally pip so I very carefully put a hole in the air cell. Today I could smell it was bad. I opened and what I thought was a beak was actually a big blood clot, but just under the clot was the beak, so it was trying to internally pip and I guess it hit a vein or something and was dead by this am.

Sad ending, but I have learned so much from all of this. I am actually going to include a special lecture on duckling incubation in my Animal Behavior class this fall. I only wish I had the successful result to show, but I’ve got lots of good stuff from Youtube and here.
Update for anyone interested. My remaining duck was still kicking yesterday. It looked like it had internally pipped maybe 2 days ago and was struggling to externally pip so I very carefully put a hole in the air cell. Today I could smell it was bad. I opened and what I thought was a beak was actually a big blood clot, but just under the clot was the beak, so it was trying to internally pip and I guess it hit a vein or something and was dead by this am.

Sad ending, but I have learned so much from all of this. I am actually going to include a special lecture on duckling incubation in my Animal Behavior class this fall. I only wish I had the successful result to show, but I’ve got lots of good stuff from Youtube and here.
I would guess incubation temp was way too low unfortunately.
Under the correct conditions they would've hatched before that many days.
A little background. I live on an island and my backyard is the Detroit river. Momma duck laid her eggs in our driveway bushes (picture a circular driveway with bushes and trees in the middle). One day, maybe 4 days later, I noticed 2 of the 8 eggs were broken. I picked up the broken shells hoping to thwart predators.

The next day all but 3 remained. I walked onto my dock and found a dead momma floating (could have been a boat or overly amorous males that killed mom). At this point I review my nest cam a see mom never came back, but a raccoon did. At this point I gathered the remaining eggs and order an incubator from Amazon. It arrives the very next day and I put the eggs in it.

After I candled for the first time and saw 3 heart beats/pulsating beings I was hooked. Then one just stopped developing. It turned all weird and yellow inside. Discovered the float test and it failed so I chucked it. The remaining 2 seemed great until on day 28 nothing was happening. Anyway, now it’s day 34 and here we are. Just the one baby left.
For future references, I don't like float testing personally. Egg shells are pourous and it risks letting bacteria into the egg and chilling the egg too much. Plus sometimes there may be a tiny crack you didn't notice.
Once you know what to look for you can usually tell what you need to know by candling. 😊

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