Duck shaking his head and throwing up?


Aug 16, 2022
I have a duck that has been drinking a lot of water today and he afterwards is shaking his head left/right. When he shakes his head, he drools a lot and the drool is the color of his feed + vitamins.

He is hardly pooping and when he does, it is just a white liquid.

He hasn't eaten much today either.

His balance is very bad today as well.

I've tried feeling his crop to see if it's full but I'm not sure what it's supposed to feel like if it's full- it's not very firm but also not squishy?

He mostly eats duck pellets... In the past few days, he's had mealworms, cucumber, peas & oatmeal as treats.

Could there be a blockage somewhere?
Almost sounds like parasites to me, but ducks don't get those often. I also have never (thankfully) had to deal with this.

More knowledgeable folks will chime in, I just wanted to make sure you didn't think you were being ignored. :)

Also, welcome to BYC. Wish it were for a happier reason!
Almost sounds like parasites to me, but ducks don't get those often. I also have never (thankfully) had to deal with this.

More knowledgeable folks will chime in, I just wanted to make sure you didn't think you were being ignored. :)

Also, welcome to BYC. Wish it were for a happier reason!
Haha aw thank you. I hope that is not the case :(
I have a duck that has been drinking a lot of water today and he afterwards is shaking his head left/right. When he shakes his head, he drools a lot and the drool is the color of his feed + vitamins.

He is hardly pooping and when he does, it is just a white liquid.

He hasn't eaten much today either.

His balance is very bad today as well.

I've tried feeling his crop to see if it's full but I'm not sure what it's supposed to feel like if it's full- it's not very firm but also not squishy?

He mostly eats duck pellets... In the past few days, he's had mealworms, cucumber, peas & oatmeal as treats.

Could there be a blockage somewhere?
Hi, welcome to BYC!!
So some questions, how old is he, does he have access to grit, is he free ranged?- could he have gotten into something toxic?
I have a duck that has been drinking a lot of water today and he afterwards is shaking his head left/right. When he shakes his head, he drools a lot and the drool is the color of his feed + vitamins.

He is hardly pooping and when he does, it is just a white liquid.

He hasn't eaten much today either.

His balance is very bad today as well.

I've tried feeling his crop to see if it's full but I'm not sure what it's supposed to feel like if it's full- it's not very firm but also not squishy?

He mostly eats duck pellets... In the past few days, he's had mealworms, cucumber, peas & oatmeal as treats.

Could there be a blockage somewhere?
hey did you ever resolve the problem? my duck was eating a while ago and suddenly she started shaking her head like she was choking or something but im not really sure
Miss yall - any answers to this question. Those that know me know speedy is my life. And she's been doing this today.


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