Duck leg concern...


Apr 22, 2019
I need some duck help please. I have a duckling that is about a week and a half old and it’s right leg is not straight under him like his left and the siblings. I will add some pics, but it runs, waddles, eats and drinks like normal. Is this something I should worry about or will it be fine and it’s little hitch in his get along. Thanks for any advice and help.
That is a cute duckling!

It looks like he's got an extra toe on that foot, which may be causing the problem. Normally vitamin B would be the panacea for leg problems, but if it is a skeletal problem I am not sure it would help. He might just need to learn how to deal with it and walk with a limp. If he's eating and drinking well that is certainly a good sign!
So cute!! I miss baby ducklings. :)

It definitely looks like it has an extra toe which could be part of the problem. I would try splinting it as mentioned above. Two of our three ducks are "quirky", one with a funky foot. She is super happy and healthy other than her little leg deformity. She trips over her foot every once in awhile when she's really excited but it never appears to bother her.
If mine i would start by keeping it on a no slip surface, that surface it's on might be too slippery. If that doesn't help you could try a hobble.

This is the first/easiest solution that I would try. The extra toe is something that I have never seen before. Good observation @Tannerpauldean.
Yes definitely Casportpony that was only for the pictures so they would be clear. They are either on shavings or grass for the most part.
I've had a couple like this. Can you put it in a brooder on a no slip shelf liner and see if that helps? If while on the liner it still does that then I would hobble the legs. Note that one that is hobbled should be kept in a brooder and monitored for it's safety.

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