Duck laid broken soft shelled egg, should I be concerned?


Jun 17, 2023
I have a duck that laid a broken soft shelled egg. I'm not sure which one but I think I might know. I have 3 one year olds and an almost 5 month old who I think may have started laying (got a tiny smaller than a chicken egg one this morning, photo attached).
The eggs I've been getting have been pretty average in size, varying quantity day to day, if even an egg every day. They've been very hard shelled, even the tiny one we got this morning.
Tonight I noticed a broken soft shelled egg with yoke next to their drinking water. It had to have been between 6 and 6:30 it happened. Shortly before that I noticed my youngest female poop and then some egg white like liquid dripping to the ground after. I thought oh shoot I hope she doesn't have a broken egg inside her. She's getting around fine but should I be concerned as the egg that was passed was broken? And because of the time of day it happened could it be an underdeveloped egg instead of a lack of calcium? I give them a separate dish of oyster flakes next to their food daily (they get fed along with the drakes so I don't put it directly in the food). Not knowing for certain which lady it was makes it hard for me to know who to give it to directly (via says) though I suspect it may be my youngest female cause of what I saw when she pooped. If it was her I'm not sure if she had laid the egg before or after I saw her poop and then the egg white like substance which came out after.
Could it be a lack of calcium though if she possibly laid the tiny egg this morning which was rock hard? More likely an underdeveloped egg being the time of day and laid it (if possible)?
Is it possible for a regular laying duck who normally has large eggs to lay an abnormally tiny one?


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sometimes, the young ones who just started laying have to maybe “work out the kinks “ so to speak , in the reproductive system. Sometimes you may get a soft shell or a tiny egg,, because she’s just starting out. if you can Keep an eye on her and see if she has learned to eat from the oyster shell Dish. I do the same thing I feed my ducks an all flock and add the oyster shells on the side.
the young one who just started laying has to work out the kinks in her reproductive system. Sometimes you’ll get a soft shell or a tiny egg,, because she’s just starting out. if you can Keep an eye on her and see if she has learned to eat from the oyster shell Dish. I do the same thing I feed my ducks an all flock and add the oyster shells on the side.
Okay good to know! I had read that their eggs tend to be small when they first start out which lead me to believe the tiny one we got this morning was from her. I wasn't so sure about why the soft shelled one, especially with the time of day it was. Good to hear its normal to happen with the new layers. So she should be fine cause even though the egg was laid broken and it looks like she expelled some white after pooping that she got the shell/yoke out so should be good/no health concerns?
I would just keep an eye on her she's probably fine, I just found and watched this video and this young lady is very knowledgeable about this
Okay thanks! The yoke was completely in tack on the ground next to the broken shell so that is definitely all out. The shell must've broken inside but still kept most the contents cause there was a fair amount of white on the ground. I'm thinking what I saw after was probably the remainder of the white when she passed a stool.
I would just keep an eye on her she's probably fine, I just found and watched this video and this young lady is very knowledgeable about this
I watched the video and they've been getting kale every morning with some other greens like dill, basil, sage, clover (flower and leaves) or dandelion greens for a few weeks. A bit after I had started giving it to them I noticed my ducks started laying (we got them as adults from a local farm and hadn't laid since we'd brought them home a month ago) and didn't know if it was related or a coincidence so I read more about it's benefits and also found it is a good source of natural calcium. I have also been putting apple cider vinegar in their water every other day for a little while now.
Okay thanks! The yoke was completely in tack on the ground next to the broken shell so that is definitely all out. The shell must've broken inside but still kept most the contents cause there was a fair amount of white on the ground. I'm thinking what I saw after was probably the remainder of the white when she passed a stool.

I would just keep an eye on her she's probably fine, I just found and watched this video and this young lady is very knowledgeable about this

I would just keep an eye on her she's probably fine, I just found and watched this video and this young lady is very knowledgeable about this
Also giving a clove of garlic a few times a week for the past couple weeks for immune support. I believe it also helps with calcium absorption
I have a duck that laid a broken soft shelled egg. I'm not sure which one but I think I might know. I have 3 one year olds and an almost 5 month old who I think may have started laying (got a tiny smaller than a chicken egg one this morning, photo attached).
The eggs I've been getting have been pretty average in size, varying quantity day to day, if even an egg every day. They've been very hard shelled, even the tiny one we got this morning.
Tonight I noticed a broken soft shelled egg with yoke next to their drinking water. It had to have been between 6 and 6:30 it happened. Shortly before that I noticed my youngest female poop and then some egg white like liquid dripping to the ground after. I thought oh shoot I hope she doesn't have a broken egg inside her. She's getting around fine but should I be concerned as the egg that was passed was broken? And because of the time of day it happened could it be an underdeveloped egg instead of a lack of calcium? I give them a separate dish of oyster flakes next to their food daily (they get fed along with the drakes so I don't put it directly in the food). Not knowing for certain which lady it was makes it hard for me to know who to give it to directly (via says) though I suspect it may be my youngest female cause of what I saw when she pooped. If it was her I'm not sure if she had laid the egg before or after I saw her poop and then the egg white like substance which came out after.
Could it be a lack of calcium though if she possibly laid the tiny egg this morning which was rock hard? More likely an underdeveloped egg being the time of day and laid it (if possible)?
Is it possible for a regular laying duck who normally has large eggs to lay an abnormally tiny one?
My 2 females have that too. One was recovering from bumblefot and tge other ine felt warm with shell less eggs which the bumblefoot duck started doing it. Now, no eggs. Pooped white liquid tho with hard plastic like specks

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