After feeling her lump down there today it honestly doesn't even really feel like an egg anymore. If there is an egg in there it is definitely smaller than average it doesn't feel super distinct in there like it dod a few days ago I'm thinking maybe there is just some of those weird pieces I was getting before left in there. I think I will call the vet tomorrow to get put on the call list but change the appointment to another normal exam to see what the vet thinks and maybe get an xray if needed
Just updating, nothing has really changed she is still acting normal but still has something down there. I decided to not change the vet appointment and just keep the appointment to get it removed. An xray was included in the quote for $360 they gave me so I'm just gonna bring her on Thursday for it and make sure I mention to the vet that she did push one out and request for her to at least briefly try to get it out the old fashion way like she did last time before putting her under anesthesia

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