Duck house ideas needed


Sep 21, 2017
Hello everyone, I am going to be moving my duck house to the other side of my backyard to help wit ha fly problem which is also becoming a nuisance for my neighbors on that side. I want to see what I can do as a ground for the house maybe like a layered effect. The materials i plan on using are chicken wire, pea gravel (currently in the house), DE and Sand. The quesiton i have is what should the layer look like for this combination? I was thinking rock, chicken wire, DE and then Sand. Not sure if the DE will do anything to the ducks and should be in a different layer? Or if the DE will even help at that layer?
The chicken wire is to keep predators out from digging under. I lost two ducks a couple years ago that way. And the DE was bought to help keep flies away since they are becoming a problem. Trying everything i can to get rid of them.
Chicken wire will rust in just a few years and turn to dust. It's best to invest in hardware cloth.

As far as flies I always read ducks can help with fly control so it's ironic they are causing the problem. I have no experience with DE, I think it's nasty stuff, so I'm no help with that.
Chicken wire will rust in just a few years and turn to dust. It's best to invest in hardware cloth.

As far as flies I always read ducks can help with fly control so it's ironic they are causing the problem. I have no experience with DE, I think it's nasty stuff, so I'm no help with that.
Thank you for the advice, i will look into hardwire cloth instead. And yes they are causing the fly problem, they dont use the whole yard and stay just around their house-bushes-pool area, so all feces are located more centrally. My hopes are with moving the house and then putting the pool a little further away they will also move around more so less concentration.

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