Duck Grow-out Pen Ideas?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2016
Cumbria, UK

I'm needing some ideas for a duck grow-out pen. I hatch quite a few ducklings throughout the year, and sell most as day olds, but grow out batches of 2-10.

For the first couple of weeks I a couple of 120cm by 60cm indoor rabbit cages with a cat litter tray covered with mesh for the water. This works well, but by week 3 the bedding is quickly getting dirty and the pens are too small.

Ideally I'm wanting to build some sort of grow out pen with a sequre outside run for them to play in during the day, but something that will stay reasonably clean.

I could really do with any ideas or photos of your setups!

I use an extra large wire dog crate with the folding wire dog playpens attached to the sides for daytime playtime. Once theyve started to feather in, i dont lock them in the large dog crate at night anymore.

This is my Duck run......You could purchase a run and place plywood around the sides and have separate pens on the inside to house them....The lady I sold Ducklings for housed hers this way.......Hard to explain but I hope you can understand me?
Her runs were much larger of course.......


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