Duck Egg - Floating Bubble


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Hii so I bought 14 call duck eggs off of Ebay! 5 of them definitely have a duckling growing in them! Although I do have a slight concern.
A few of them came with these floating bubbles inside the egg, so when you rotate the egg, the bubble would move. Egg 3 and Egg 5 both have one of those bubbles and Egg 5 has a duckling growing inside. When I rotate the egg a certain way, the bubble moved down to where the heart and veins are and the heart and veins moved down from the impact of the bubble but once the bubble moved away, the heart and veins went back to the middle of the egg. My question is, due to this bubble, could the duckling perhaps grow deformed?
(When the egg lays flat, the bubble seems to stay at the top of the egg and away from the veins and heart though)
The bubble is the air cell, it's supposed to be in the fat end of the egg but got detached during shipping. Incubate you eggs fat end up if possible, they pip into the air cell to breathe before hatch.
I assumed it was the air cell. So for the ones with detached air cells, incubate them with the fat end up instead of laying flat? How would I turn them, just rotate it?

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