Duck Coop


Oct 17, 2022
Northeast Ohio
So what are the suggestions on building a coop for ducks? Are they the same as for, square footage per duck, ventilation, etc? I went to TSC looking for chicks, but they only had Bantams, so I came home with 6 Pekins.
So what are the suggestions on building a coop for ducks? Are they the same as for, square footage per duck, ventilation, etc? I went to TSC looking for chicks, but they only had Bantams, so I came home with 6 Pekins.
So you asked about ducks coops, but ended up with chickens??
Ducks and chickens have housing different needs, and keeping them together has several issues to avoid.
Not really sure what you want to know.
Square footage requirements are usually the same for average sized breeds, but Pekins are a large breed duck so keep that in mind when building. For a pekin, I personally would not go lower than 5 sq ft per duck on the coop and 11-12 sq ft minimum per duck for the run. Ventilation requirements are the same. You will want your coop close to the ground as Pekins especially have a harder time with steep ramps. Ducks also will need their nesting boxes on the ground if you decide to add those although getting a duck to use one I have found to be harder than getting a chicken to. Ducks need water deep enough to fully submerge their heads to clean eyes and nares. Also water to swim in. I use 2 gallon buckets as my waterers. For swimming I have used everything from a kiddy pool to a stock tank to now a pond I made. Ducks will make a mess of the water and play in the mud. They are feathered pigs. Also on a side note if you haven’t already researched it ducks require much more niacin intake daily than chickens, Pekins especially. With Pekins I would pick up Durvets B complex right away to have on hand. Even with a quality duck feed and adding brewers yeast to it daily a pekin can still end up with a niacin deficiency.
So you asked about ducks coops, but ended up with chickens??
Ducks and chickens have housing different needs, and keeping them together has several issues to avoid.
Not really sure what you want to know.
I have 10 chickens right now and have built them a coop. I went to TSC in hopes to add to the existing flock, but since they only had Bantams, I opted to purchase Pekin ducks. Since they are in a brooder currently, I thought I'd do some homework and ask about suggestions on building a coop for them.
Square footage requirements are usually the same for average sized breeds, but Pekins are a large breed duck so keep that in mind when building. For a pekin, I personally would not go lower than 5 sq ft per duck on the coop and 11-12 sq ft minimum per duck for the run. Ventilation requirements are the same. You will want your coop close to the ground as Pekins especially have a harder time with steep ramps. Ducks also will need their nesting boxes on the ground if you decide to add those although getting a duck to use one I have found to be harder than getting a chicken to. Ducks need water deep enough to fully submerge their heads to clean eyes and nares. Also water to swim in. I use 2 gallon buckets as my waterers. For swimming I have used everything from a kiddy pool to a stock tank to now a pond I made. Ducks will make a mess of the water and play in the mud. They are feathered pigs. Also on a side note if you haven’t already researched it ducks require much more niacin intake daily than chickens, Pekins especially. With Pekins I would pick up Durvets B complex right away to have on hand. Even with a quality duck feed and adding brewers yeast to it daily a pekin can still end up with a niacin deficiency.
Thank you for the info...greatly appreciated
I have one big coop with all my chickens and ducks together. Just make sure everybody has plenty of space and the ducks have a big deep bowl to drink from or a duck drinker, attached below. And you would make there life amazing if you got them a pool. even just a kiddy pool will work, though you have 6 you might want to have multiple. Good Luck
I have one big coop with all my chickens and ducks together. Just make sure everybody has plenty of space and the ducks have a big deep bowl to drink from or a duck drinker, attached below. And you would make there life amazing if you got them a pool. even just a kiddy pool will work, though you have 6 you might want to have multiple. Good Luck
Thank you...I am having a 2 acre pond dug up, but don't want to let them free roam since we have coyotes, hawks and eagles. I am, however, planning on installing a pond liner, or koi fish liner, in their run to allow for them to swim daily.

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