Duck attacked by raccoon three weeks ago! Help! Should he be better by now?


Feb 1, 2023
My duck was attacked by a raccoon three weeks ago. His brother sadly had to be put down yesterday because his leg issues were too severe to fix. However, my ducks legs look a lot better, not saying that means much, than his brother. After having to put his brother down, as they are both my first and only ducks, I am becoming incredibly anxious that I’ll have to put down my living duck now. So I’m asking for any additional advice you guys may give me. He has sustained damage on his legs and left wing. All of which are seeming to get better but he is still not able to walk. These photos are AFTER an epsom salt soak so they appear wet but in reality, they are quite dry. Skin is starting to fall off as it, I think, is healing. Here’s is what I’ve been doing so far:

epsom salt soak ten minutes
saline spray

baytril is on the way! Should be arriving tomorrow

my most concern is that: he is still not walking but he can move his feet and kicks them around. His toes also seemed to be curled most of the time but both feet and legs are warm to the touch, all is getting blood flow. His left wing seems stiff? But I wouldn’t say it’s broken, he moved it quite frequently but I can’t extend it the full length and it’s a little droopy, it feels as if there is a muscle stopping it from extending out. I provided photos of the left and right foot, and left and right wing for comparison of the wing length and how far I can pull the left wing back. Anything helps, thank you! I do not want to lose my last duck to this attack


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I forgot to add, he is not eating much regular Feed like pellets BUT he is eating a great amount of veggies, fruits and seeds/grains. I’m worried that being this way for three weeks he isn’t getting the essential nutrients he needs. I can’t understand why he wont eat his regular food but goes crazy for vegetables and seeds?!

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