Duck attacked by predator not sure how to bandage or medicate

Some people use aspirin for chicken pain. It can be given 1/2 to 1 tablet low dose 81mg twice a day for up to 3 days. Meloxicam is by vet prescription only if one will prescribe it or see your duck. I have had some leftover from a dog surgery before.
I don't have anything to add that someone else hasn't said already. You're doing the right things but the pain will have to be controlled somehow or he won't want to eat or drink and he has to. Are there any vets in your area what will see ducks?
No. The closest vet is almost 3 hours away and has a 2-3 week wait list for an appointment.
We have meloxocam from a previous animal injury. I found dosing that was given by a vet for a duck almost the same weight on another forum post. Going to try that. Would hate to heal the wound but have Daffy die from pain/not eating and drinking
Some people use aspirin for chicken pain. It can be given 1/2 to 1 tablet low dose 81mg twice a day for up to 3 days. Meloxicam is by vet prescription only if one will prescribe it or see your duck. I have had some leftover from a dog surgery before.
Do you have any Meloxicam? Or know someone who might? it would help her alot if her pain was less. I am going to agree with what @Eggcessive rec on treating. Vetricyn is found at TSC not sure if a pharmacy would have it.
Please keep us updated on how Daffy is doing.
Purchased Vetricyn and going to use it when we get home (driving there now). Also purchased some 0-3 month t-shirts with no decals to use to help keep the wound clean but open to air. And hopefully keep daffy from preening the area. Also got some neosporin without the added pain stuff so that we can use that. And sterile saline solution and gloves incase we need to flush any debris out. Giving penicillin and going to give meoxicam.
Sometimes we just can't get a vet to see them. I have the same situation here and we are near Atlanta. You'd think that we would have a vet in this big city that would be willing to see a duck! Even the "exotic birds" vets won't see ducks so we just have to do what we can do. This OP sounds like she's doing everything possible to save this duck.
How is Daffy today?
Daffy is eating a tiny bit which is better than nothing but is drinking almost a normal amount. She keeps trying to preen but the shirt I have on her keeps her from making contact with the wound. I have given her 2 doses of meloxocam (12 hours apart) and 2 doses of penicillin (24 hours apart). We have cleaned her wound twice and because I saw a fly trying to hang around her I put more of the Silver Honey Antimicrobial spray on her wound to try to keep them away. I keep cleaning her temporary home to keep it sanitary for her and to also keep flys from being attracted. This morning before I gave her her second dose of meloxicam she was just standing and shaking (showing pain and distress?) but about an hour after giving it to her she was back to drinking and preening. I am trying to decide if it would be ok to let her swim in a clean tub to clean herself as I know this is very important. But I will have to be constantly watching to keep her from preening her wound. Also, I wouldn't really be able to dry her due to her wound location so I wouldn't be able to put another shirt on her until she air dries. Tough decision to make. But it seems that she is doing good so far. I have to go back to work tomorrow which makes me worried to leave her alone for 12 hours but hopefully since it will have been a few days she will be ok.

Oh, also, my husband made a good point that Daffy was acting sad and regularly looking over in the direction of her sisters brooder. He said that humans who are sick heal better when they are not alone. And ducks are very social creatures too. So I gave the girls some visiting time. There was alot of talking and beak touching before they all settled down. But hopefully this safe distance get together will help Daffy feel better too.


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I've dealt with a number of wounds from various causes. I used to apply liberal amounts of hydrogen peroxide first, or Betadine first. These days, I've had much better results with salt water. I make it strong enough to taste like the ocean (best way I can describe it), then I soak, douse, or drench every few hours depending on how the patient (chicken, dog, cat, etc) is doing.
I also put the patient inside a quiet, dark, climate controlled room in a large cat crate lined with potty pads (dog supply section), a bowl of nutrient/vitamin C water, and a little wet food. I have found that if they drink and then eat within 24 hours, they're probably gonna make it. But that salt water has been a real miracle--bacteria don't do well in salt solutions.

Bless your ducky! May he make a speedy recovery.
I've dealt with a number of wounds from various causes. I used to apply liberal amounts of hydrogen peroxide first, or Betadine first. These days, I've had much better results with salt water. I make it strong enough to taste like the ocean (best way I can describe it), then I soak, douse, or drench every few hours depending on how the patient (chicken, dog, cat, etc) is doing.
I also put the patient inside a quiet, dark, climate controlled room in a large cat crate lined with potty pads (dog supply section), a bowl of nutrient/vitamin C water, and a little wet food. I have found that if they drink and then eat within 24 hours, they're probably gonna make it. But that salt water has been a real miracle--bacteria don't do well in salt solutions.

Bless your ducky! May he make a speedy recovery.
Would it harm the duck to drink the salt water? Do we need to rinse off the duck after soaking it in salt water? I am thinking about letting her take a bath in a clean tub, I could make it a salt water bath. But the ducks use the water to clean their nostrils and eyes, would this hurt them? Thank you for the advice.
Saline or salt water should be mixed 2 tsp (9 grams) of table salt to each liter or quart of water. That makes it isotonic, the same pH as the body, and it won’t damage tissue. At that same ratio, 1/2 tsp of salt to each cup (240ml of water) is equivalent. It can be squirted on the wound with a turkey baster or sprayed. Vetericyn is a similar mild solution for promoting healing.

It is good to use for wound care, but in the beginning, Chlorhexidene 2% is probably best to disinfect the wound. Avoid peroxide, but one use it okay, since it can damage tissue. Betadine again can be used once, but once the wound is not infected, something milder should be used for continuous wound care.

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