D'uccle Thread

Very pretty carcar80!

Doh!  I never noticed D'uccles did not have wattles or were not supposed to.  I'll have to keep that in mind when choosing my second rooster.  Chances are it will be a son to my current one or maybe I'll get lucky on some eggs.

Anyone have any experience with hillbilly hatchery blue Mille's? I ordered eggs before I knew if my porcelain hen would produce decent chicks and before I got my new mille hen.  I am going to run all the Mille colors together since my space is at a premium and my understanding is that Mille Fleur is dominate and I should end up with chicks split to porcelain and or blue?

I did get a order of feather leg bantams from Ideal and I think there are a few Mille's and porcelains in there, but I'm not totally sure yet and I will not hold my breath on quality.
blue Millie x porcelain = 50% Millie 50% blue Millie all carrying lavender. You'll need to keep up with them because you can't tell they carry lavender by looking.
Would anyone be able to tell me if my Beatrice (who has just turned three months old) could be a mille fleur?(Excuse the dry grass in the photo, it's mid-summer, and we've had very little rain this month.)

She wasn't sold to me as being any particular colour, and since it can take time for some patterns to emerge, I was wondering if anyone could tell if there was a possibility. No problems if not, as the black and wheat colouring is very good camouflage. She's my first and only D'uccle at the moment, but I plan to change that in time. These are the most adorable little chickens with regards to both looks and personality, ever. She does have other bantams to keep her company, apart from myself. Thanks!
she is Sooo cute, would love to have a duccle like her
shes has a good beard too, cant imagine what she will look like when shes older but god shes a little stunner!

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