D'uccle Thread

here is the male i am breeding back to pure d'uccle hens. he has good beard, a huge neck and vulture hocks, as well as excessive foot feathering-his short coming is his tail. hopefully the offspring will have less curl, the hens i am breeding him with have almost production basic tails. these are the best photos i could take with my crap cell phone.

here is the male i am breeding back to pure d'uccle hens. he has good beard, a huge neck and vulture hocks, as well as excessive foot feathering-his short coming is his tail. hopefully the offspring will have less curl, the hens i am breeding him with have almost production basic tails. these are the best photos i could take with my crap cell phone.

Beautiful rooster! What breed is he crossed with?
here is the male i am breeding back to pure d'uccle hens. he has good beard, a huge neck and vulture hocks, as well as excessive foot feathering-his short coming is his tail. hopefully the offspring will have less curl, the hens i am breeding him with have almost production basic tails. these are the best photos i could take with my crap cell phone.
He looks nice. Do you have any offspring from him yet? I'm curious as to what they look like. What color hens are you putting him over?
right now a white hen-to test her 'whiteness', the eggs will hatch in 2 weeks and then i will add more hens. he has high fertility, which may explain his crappy attitude.
I'll let you know in about 2 1/2 weeks...I have some of his blue Mille and black/mottled Japanese in my incubator now. Lol
I got mixed up on what I ordered and my blue mille eggs were actually not as well packaged (it was salmon faverolle that were) and I ended up with 5 broken eggs out of the ones shipped. I patched and set them anyway since I have had a patched egg hatch before, but sadly none took and out of like 10 eggs I have exactly 2 which may hatch. my husband cooked the salmon faverolle's in a over heated hatcher while on shipping hold :( The blue milles were on shipping hold in another hatcher which was proper temp, so it was a case of bad scramble on my eggs I think. I'm on day 18 with them. So 3 more days to see if I get 0, 1 or 2

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