Droopy Eyes and Sick CHickens


6 Years
Oct 10, 2013
Hi Everyone,

i have a small flock of about 21 chickens of about 1 year old. They recently seem to have gotten sick and had runny butts. We researched a bit and found a medication called Tetramed or tetramex 250 (i think thats what its called) and it seems to have cleared up a little. This was since last thursday. This week some of the chicks are wierd eyes and some cannot get their eyes open.

I researched alittle more on this same forum and some have said that it is indeed a respiratory disease and we need to use Tylan 50. I just wanted to confirm this before going out to TSC or the local farm store. Please see pictures attached. I would appreciate any advice given to confirm this is what i need to do.

My worse case scenario is to cull the flock which i dont really want to do but if it comes to that i will do it as i have baby chicks coming up that are separated from these ones.

Swollen eyes and eye bubbles can be a sign of mycoplasma gallisepticum, which is also called MG or CRD. If severe swelling, thick nasal secretions, a bad odor, and puss in eyes develop, that could mean it is coryza. Tylan 50 injectable 1/2 ml for under 5 lb, 1 ml for over 5 lb injected 1/4 inch into the breast muscle (with a 22 gauge needle) for 3 days would treat symptoms, but chickens would remain carriers for life. There is also Tylan Soluble Powder available to treat chickens in their water instead of shot. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. Gallimycin and Oxytetracycline are also commonly used. Here is a good link to read about MG, coryza, and the other common diseases to compare symptoms, plus an article on MG:
Thank you for the fast reply. I cannt find Tylan 50 readily available but i can get the Gallimycin and Oxytetracycline as water soluble. Do i go ahead with the dosage and do i mix both of these meds together in the water?i am going to pick them up right now.
update: i was able to treat the chickens and only one rooster died.

The rest of the flock are getting better now - glad to say.

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