Drooping tail, floppy purple-ish comb, lethargic


Jul 2, 2020
Central Kentucky
I need some help. I came home from work tonight and one of our hens is laying down with a purple-ish comb, drooping tail, and doesn’t look like she is feeling well. Another one of our chickens died yesterday and we aren’t sure why. The one who is sick today is about 4 years old. Any ideas on what this could be or what I need to do? Wondering if it could be sour crop or an impacted egg? Thanks in advance for your help!
Ok we just pulled her out and looked at her bum… it looks awful 😩. I’m not sure what to do?!


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Thank you! I put her in some warm water to clean her up and I think I can feel an egg in there. Could she have an impacted egg? I’m gently massaging her abdomen in hopes it will come out…. I really hope she doesn’t die 😭
If you stick your finger up into her vent and can feel an egg she's eggbound. If it breaks inside of her it can be deadly. If you have calcium citrate tablets give her some, if not, then use calcium carbonate such as Tums. Preparation H or a little lubricant (not olive oil or cooking oil) can help make things easier if she's trying to pass it. You can try a warm bath to help her.
Ok I stuck my finger up there with a glove but only got to my first knuckle…. I didn’t want to hurt her and I’ve never done this before. I didn’t feel anything but she is definitely trying to pass something now that I did that - nothing is coming out still. I tried to give her some bits of tums and my husband just brought epsom salts home. Should I soak her again and then try in another hour? If she is trying to pass something does that mean she is probably egg bound?
You can put a whole Tums in her beak by pulling down on her wattles to get her to open her beak and just stuffing it in there. I know it seems large but a chicken can swallow a mouse or a frog whole, don't be afraid! Calcium citrate +D3 is faster acting but Tums will do.
You can put a whole Tums in her beak by pulling down on her wattles to get her to open her beak and just stuffing it in there. I know it seems large but a chicken can swallow a mouse or a frog whole, don't be afraid! Calcium citrate +D3 is faster acting but Tums will do.
I did that! I soaked it in water for a bit to soften it up and then gave it to her…. We have her in a bin right now for the night. I am really concerned about her though. I’ve done multiple epsom salt soaks now and she actually started preening herself for a bit. I’m hoping that she can relax enough tonight to pass the egg. The area below her vent is really red, is that normal if she has an egg she can’t pass?


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