Dried herbs and ducks


Jun 12, 2018
Seneca Falls, NY
So I want to see if I can get my ducks eating herbs more. But I have a knack for killing all things plant (the exception is zucchini). So growing my own herbs is out. I have tried for three years. So I am using ground herbs this is something that I can sprinkle on food.

included in my dried herb list is; basil, cayenne pepper, cilantro, cinnamon, dill weed, garlic, ginger, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon and thyme.

my question is will many of these offer similar benefits as they might with chickens there really isn’t a list of herbs and their benefits to ducks.
@shawluvsbirds @WVduckchick may be able to add more information in this respect, but personally, I buy fresh green herbs for my critters with my weekly grocery list including parsley, cilantro, etc. It’s typically 99 cents per bunch and they love it as a daily addition to treats without breaking the bank or taking up growing space.
@shawluvsbirds @WVduckchick may be able to add more information in this respect, but personally, I buy fresh green herbs for my critters with my weekly grocery list including parsley, cilantro, etc. It’s typically 99 cents per bunch and they love it as a daily addition to treats without breaking the bank or taking up growing space.
I have tried doing that but I often end up forgetting them and when I do they end up going bad on me. I like giving them the fresh stuff but they are also picky about where they eat their treats. Daffy ducks!
Mine won’t touch their dinner without the proper garnish, they also insist on using the “Good China”:lau
Seriously though, what do the herbs do for them?
If it is the same as the chicken they can do lots of things, natural deworming, promote good respiratory health, help with laying, encouragement for eating, builds up immune system, and help with feathering plus there is more that I can’t remember. But I am not sure that the same benefits for chickens are the same for ducks
That is interesting because herbs are the one thing I can grow in the garden that my ducks leave alone. I have to fence off my vegetable plants or they eat them to the ground but they do not like the herbs. In fact, I often plant basil outside of the tomato plants and cilantro outside of the lettuce or broccoli to stop them if they manage to get their heads through the fencing. I do give my ducks greens like arugula, turnip greens, leaf lettuce, etc. in the winter, and I do use herbs like mint and lavender in my coop to get rid of flies, but mine will not eat them.
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That is interesting because herbs are the one thing I can grow in the garden that my ducks leave alone. I have to fence off my vegetable plants or they eat them to the ground but they will do not like the herbs. In fact, I often plant basil outside of the tomato plants and cilantro outside of the lettuce or broccoli to stop them if they manage to get their heads through the fencing. I do give my ducks greens like arugula, turnip greens, head lettuce, etc. in the winter, and I do use herbs like mint and lavender in my coop to get rid of flies, but mine will not eat them.
My ducks also ignore the herbs I grow in my garden. I assume they don't like the taste because they feel free to rip off mouthfuls of lettuce, kale, and harvest all the tomatoes they like!

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