Drafty Snap Lock chicken coop


10 Years
Jun 16, 2013
northwest Arkansas
I bought a second hand large snap lock chicken coop to house my 5 oversexed 6 month old serama cockerels a couple months ago. All the corners and joints have gaps. Freezing temperatures are just about here and I am wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and how they solved it. I am thinking of duct-taping the holes. I want to preserve the ability to take it apart again. I know people bring seramas indoors in the winter, we do get weather in the single digits here. Are 5 little birds going to be warm enough?
I worry that once you stop the air from blowing across where they are perching/sleeping, that they will no longer have enough ventilation.


Can you stick it inside a larger structure?

Or just prop up a bit of plywood against the coop so wind doesn't blast inside BUT the cracks are all still open to help vent?

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