Down the street neighbor appears to have sticky chicken-stealing fingers!

do YOU think they stole her chickens?

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    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 3 50.0%

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Bush Chickens

6 Years
Well,when we first moved in,my neighbor(who began my chicken obsession) told us that a while back someone had stolen a bunch of her exotic($$$) chickens. I have to admit,I didn't quite believe her. Fast forward about a year,and I was taking a walk through my neighborhood,and I saw a house,somewhat small property,with exotic($$$) chickens! My neighborhood is full of red-necks and not so bright people,where could they get the money and knowledge for chickens like that?. I still wasn't positive they were the stolen chickens,but the idea lingered. Last year,my neighbor hatched four silver laced polish. 2 disappeared,I have the remaining 2 roos. About a week ago,I saw a chicken at that very same house,that was the spitting image of my two,and a hen of the same variety. There is NO doubt in my mind,that it is Ricky and Rico's brother,and maybe sister. I'm not sure what I should do. My mind immediately thought,take them back!!!but the last thing I need is another roo. I'm going to put leg bands on all my new chicks when they are old enough. What kind of nut steals chickens?!?!?
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MYOB..... is my advice. You really have no proof, and could only prove your point with expensive DNA testing. People are funny about money, and even poor people will spend it on something expensive. Just because you think they could not afford those chickens, they may have gotten them legit. It could very well have happened that they saw that breed, and wanted that breed of chickens and perhaps stole them or equally likely bought them.

Or perhaps the chickens just went calling on the neighbors and they kept them. I have seen many posts on here, where chickens just show up, seem to like the set up better and stay in someone elses coup.

IF you are worried about your chickens being stolen, lock them up. There is a toe hole punch system that can be used, but I doubt that it is a legal mark, like a brand on cattle is a legal mark.

just my 2 cents

Mrs K
My? Is are the chicken in a gated yard or run or are they able to go any where they wish. If there not confined to yard or run well then missing chickens are what you get. Now if they are gated and some one is going into yard or run and taking them call police tell them who u think it isask cops to take to them you wont get this chicks back butt it will let the people know u know who they are and it may stop future theifs
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Her chickens are free range,but the assumed thief is too far down the road for a chicken to go,and she says she say someone with a big black trash bag pick up her chickens and stick them in the bag. I'm not sure how she saw it without stopping them,but I don't want to call her a liar...
Did she not call the police? i mean if i saw someone removing ANY of my livestock by any means, i'd be on the phone! as well as doing my best to stop them?
well after you last comment I say no and if she did she some one with a bag steeling them she would know if it was the down the street neighbor and that just sounds very strange to me that she would not at least yell out a window at the person let alone go out there and chase them down esp after the first time. and since she has not done anything now to prevent it from happening over and over again then its her own dam fault. I would stay out of it and worry about your own chickens who knows maybe she is setting up alibi to steel and eat your chickens.
I agree, stay out of it. Why on earth would you want to get involved in something that's possibly been going on for years? Secure your birds and go about your business.

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