Don't know what to do


Jul 4, 2020
So my flock has had quite the journey. We started with 2 ducklings for our backyard flock. They were with us for about 4 weeks and then both got taken by a fox. We were very sad, then upped the security of our pen and got six silkie chicks. 4 are roosters, and one of the girls died from a mysterious sickness. the other girl is just permanently unwell. We have tried everything for her, but she will not get better. She is one of our three remaining chickens, along with two of the roosters. We don't know what to do next, because we love the chickens, but they are so disease prone, and the ducks were great, but kind of messy. (although we had more time to bond with the chickens) i would also like to know if this happens all the time, because this was absolutely heartbreaking.
Sorry you've had some terrible luck! You may need to consider separating your hen from your roos if they get too rowdy with her. Is winter coming where you live? If so, consider just maintaining this flock until spring. You will have a better idea of their personalities and time to consider what you want to do next. I hope it gets better!
Sorry you've had some terrible luck! You may need to consider separating your hen from your roos if they get too rowdy with her. Is winter coming where you live? If so, consider just maintaining this flock until spring. You will have a better idea of their personalities and time to consider what you want to do next. I hope it gets better!
We might have to get rid of the roos before then, if they start crowing a lot. So far the roos are nice to the hen, i think they can tell she is sick. they are all still young though, so not much hormones yet, only a little dancing from one of them.
Sounds like a rough time for your flock. :hugs Sometimes everything seems to go wrong at once, if it's not one thing, then it's something else. Unfortunately many chickens do have health issues, especially hatchery stock. We had a pretty bad year with our Production Reds a few years ago. But not all your chickens will be that way. I would wait over winter like deidrig says and plan out what you want for spring. Maybe just a couple more chickens from good stock. To me, ducks seem less disease-prone, but they are very messy. And then again some chickens are very healthy, depending on where they come from and breed.
In the meantime, I hope your poor hen improves. Have you tried asking the folks in the emergency/disease section about her? Hoping for the best :fl
Sounds like a rough time for your flock. :hugs Sometimes everything seems to go wrong at once, if it's not one thing, then it's something else. Unfortunately many chickens do have health issues, especially hatchery stock. We had a pretty bad year with our Production Reds a few years ago. But not all your chickens will be that way. I would wait over winter like deidrig says and plan out what you want for spring. Maybe just a couple more chickens from good stock. To me, ducks seem less disease-prone, but they are very messy. And then again some chickens are very healthy, depending on where they come from and breed.
In the meantime, I hope your poor hen improves. Have you tried asking the folks in the emergency/disease section about her? Hoping for the best :fl
Our sick hen passed away last night :hit we tried everything for her, treated her crop, for cocci, and dewormed her and nothing helped. At least she was happy. They are silkies by the way.

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