Don't know if this is an emergency but didn't know where to post the question


Jan 20, 2023
My 7 hens are 15 weeks old now and they've all settled into their individual personalities. I only have one Speckled Sussex. She starts "talking" to me the minute I leave the house. I can hear her 50 feet away from the coup. She jumps up in my lap for raw Oatmeal and is just an overall wonderful little "pest" always wanting my attention. Went out this evening to sprinkle a few Pine Nuts for all of them and she wouldn't come to the treats or to me. Wasn't "talking" like she normally does. Let me pick her up and hug her close to my chest and face without any resistance.................which is not normal. So she's not eating. There's plenty of water and feed in the pen. I don't have the slightest idea what is wrong with her but I know she's not a happy camper. Any thoughts? I'd set out there with her but the mosquitos are so thick you could cut them with a knife.
Well, I checked the box I put her in and checked her and didn't see any mites or lice. I didn't check the others because I didn't find any on her. I put her in my wood working shop and turned on the window air-conditioner so it wouldn't be so hot for her. (we've been experiencing 90's and 100's for the past couple of weeks and it's oppressive. The shop ought to get down into the mid 70's so she won't be stressed. She's not in any draft.

Checked her this morning and she "seems" to be a bit perkier. But she didn't touch water, food or grit. Shop is 75 degrees. Put 1/3 teaspoon vinegar in 3/4 cup water and a small amount of food along with a tiny bit of grit in the box with her. Will keep an eye on her today.
Don't have any idea if there are any avian Vets around here. I'll have to start searching. She doesn't have a snotty nose so I'm thinking it's gut. Going to pick up some Greek Yogurt when I go out this afternoon.
Can you take a picture of her and her poo? Any diarrhea? Where did you get these pullets? Directly from a hatchery or from somebody else?
Little bit of diarrhea this morning but more normal this afternoon. I purchase my chicks from Murry McMurry hatchery.

Little wife gave her some watermelon this afternoon and she dived right in. Got her some fresh treated water just now and she drank half of the container. Also put down some unflavored yogurt.......but she didn't seem all that interested. Will check later and see if she's eaten it.

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