Dont have baby duck food, what can I feed my ducklings? *pictures**


8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Okay, so I havent been able to make it to the store to get baby duck food, and they just hatched yesterday, but they keep trying to eat the shavings in the bottom of the tote I have them in ( temporary till more hatch) So Can I give them anything like oatmeal? Or something.

This is Yesterday in the incubator still.


And this is today, 24 hours later, all dried off


They are trout indian runner ducklings
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If you or a friend or neighbor has dry cat kibble, you can grind that up fine and mix it with an equal to two portions of finely chopped up rolled oats (not instant) and moisten it. I'd also add a tiny sprinkle of chick sized grit (or clean play sand) to get their little tummies going.
I have dry dog food? I dont know if that is the same though. I only have instant oats... Would mashed up peas work until later today though? I can get to town later in the aafternoon.
Do you have any chicken eggs? You could boil one and mash it up good and add a little bit of it to the mashed peas for a little protein and cholesterol.

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