Dominique Vs Barred Plymouth Rock

I have had a number of Barred Rocks over the years. I have not had Dominiques personally, but a good friend and neighbor had them (and Barred Rocks as well) and I think I can answer your questions and give you some insights into which breed would be best for you.
I have had Barred Rocks confined to runs and they did just fine. My neighbor's Dominiques were free ranged (along with his Barred Rocks) so I can't speak with experience regarding how the Dominiques do in confinement.
Barred Rocks are a little better layers than Dominiques. My neighbor told me this personally and my BRs have always been pretty good layers (not up to Sex Link or Australorp standards). Perhaps the difference is that the Dominiques go broody more frequently.
Both breeds are moderately friendly (not to Australorp or Orpington levels). The Dominiques are a little flightier, but occasionally you can get an aggressive Barred Rock.
As for hardiness, there is little, if any difference between the two breeds. Both are very cold hardy.
As for the history of the two breeds, the Barred Rock, over the years, came to replace the Dominique as the most popular chicken in America. Most likely there were some practical reasons why this happened.
Hope this helps.
I have had a number of Barred Rocks over the years. I have not had Dominiques personally, but a good friend and neighbor had them (and Barred Rocks as well) and I think I can answer your questions and give you some insights into which breed would be best for you.
I have had Barred Rocks confined to runs and they did just fine. My neighbor's Dominiques were free ranged (along with his Barred Rocks) so I can't speak with experience regarding how the Dominiques do in confinement.
Barred Rocks are a little better layers than Dominiques. My neighbor told me this personally and my BRs have always been pretty good layers (not up to Sex Link or Australorp standards). Perhaps the difference is that the Dominiques go broody more frequently.
Both breeds are moderately friendly (not to Australorp or Orpington levels). The Dominiques are a little flightier, but occasionally you can get an aggressive Barred Rock.
As for hardiness, there is little, if any difference between the two breeds. Both are very cold hardy.
As for the history of the two breeds, the Barred Rock, over the years, came to replace the Dominique as the most popular chicken in America. Most likely there were some practical reasons why this happened.
Hope this helps.

Actually, both Dominiques and Barred Rocks do surprisingly well in hot climates as well.

BRs lay better. Both handle being kept in a chicken run fairly well - but Dominiques are inclined to be more vocal about wanting to be let out.

On the other hand, Dominiques are both hilariously funny and extremely vigorous forages. Part of what makes the Keystone Kooop so funny is just how busy they are with big biddy business, and the fact that they do things like try to stalk hummingbirds. If I open the backdoor they literally burst from the ground like a bouquet of pheasants and will fly over the picnic table to be first in line for any potential treats.

Dominiques make other breeds look lazy; ours seem to have completely removed the plague of snails that used to overrun our yard.
You know, you might want to look at the Arizona thread and see what people on that forum are keeping. I have heard, for example, that Rhode Island Reds become extremely irritable and downright mean in very hot weather.
Actually, both Dominiques and Barred Rocks do surprisingly well in hot climates as well.
I suppose it depends on how hot the climate is. I had some Barred Rocks for one summer in CA's northern Sacramento Valley where summer temperatures frequently reached 117-118 F (123 F once), and my Barred Rocks struggled in that kind of heat, even with lots of shade, a well ventilated coop, and plenty of fresh water. They panted, held their wings out from their bodies, and were frequently listless. My Black Australorps fared considerably better in the hot summer wind that swept down from the north (frequently referred to by those who lived in the area as "the blast oven."). We finally decided to butcher and eat the Barred Rocks.
I have been debating between the dominique and the barred plymouth rock. From a quick glance they both look the same. So my question is which one is the better chicken? I have read reports that state that the barred rock does not do well in confinement, is this true? which one is the better layer? which one is friendlier? which one is more hardy? Any information would be great and highly appreciated on my decision to pick between the two breeds.

I have both , They do fine BUT my Dominique rooster is extremely aggressive,
I have had both and now prefer barred rocks as better layers and better to eat. I will say that i have never had a nice barred rock rooster but had several nice Dominique roosters. The Dominiques that i had 40+ plus years ago were much better than the ones today. The best all around brown egg layer today is the black Australorp
My doms have very strong true free range survival instincts. Mine aren't super cuddly but I didnt tfy,but they come when called,lay consistently moving towards large eggs now that they have been laying for 6-7 months.
You know, you might want to look at the Arizona thread and see what people on that forum are keeping. I have heard, for example, that Rhode Island Reds become extremely irritable and downright mean in very hot weather.
I keep 2 fans and misters on each fan's, my production reds do verry well in 114 degree heat and a fan in the coop for night comfort.
I love BAR RKS and any other ROCK type bird with RIR being my #1. They're big, single comb, great layers of large eggs and tolerate heat and cold well. Have BLK AUS now and find they're no better layers the RK types. Really comes down to what you want from the bird and what is pleasing to your own eye.

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