Dog Help ASAP!!! Update:


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 28, 2009
We are returning the dog tomorrow.

Thanks for all your advice, but I just could not keep the dog.

Everytime I turned around he was being aggressive at the male member in our home. He bite him 2x.

I explained to my daughter the situation and she agreed.

We are going to get a better natch dog for her this weekend.
You had a hard decision to make, but I think you did the right thing. Some animals just aren't a match for some's not a good mix for the family or the animal. Good luck on finding something that 'fits' and completes your family a little better.
You have to do what you have to do. It's difficult to get a sense of how severe the situation is from reading a thread, not being there. Only the person right there can really tell how it needs to go.
Perhaps researching breeds, and bringing the entire family to meet and greet before bringing the dog home.
Also if you can (I don't know the back story) go through a breed rescue, they know who would be the best fit for their foster dogs.

Good luck.

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