Dog Attack Hens Skin and Feathers Ripped Off


In the Brooder
May 20, 2023
My hen jumped the fence and got injured by a big dog. Her whole back is ripped up. Picture here.
She’s a 16 week old australorp.
I have cleaned the wound with peroxide and put some Manuka honey as antiseptic and covered with gauze. I tried wrapping with an ace bandage but she kept getting it off. So I carefully placed duct tape over the gauze area.
She is in a dog crate with water and food in the bathroom.
I am going to bed but will check on her in the morning.
Any other advice on how to treat will be helpful. Thank you.


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Yeah, I’m not doing the wrap anymore. The tape seems to be keeping it covered. I’m gonna take it off this morning and try to clean again. I don’t have antibiotics. I think I’m going to try a colloidal silver spray. And keep gauze taped on until it scabs.
If you can keep it from getting infected, it should heal. One of our girls had her neck skin ripped off down to the muscle. I kept her inside and slathered triple antibiotic ointment on her neck 3 times a day at first and then twice a day as it healed. I also gave her amoxicillin twice a day for 10 days (we already had that). It took almost a month for the wound to close up completely. Once we moved her outside, we kept her separated in part of the run with her best friend during the day and allowed her to sleep with the others at night until her feathers grew out enough to cover her neck baldness.
Thank you. I have ordered the vetricyn spray from TSC. I uncovered the wound. I sprayed with colloidal silver this morning.
She is calm in the dog crate. When I went to check on her this morning she was eating her food from the bowl. I’m not sure if she’s drank much so I am going to monitor this and possibly syringe in her mouth if she will tolerate. I have some poultry electrolytes I will put in her water.
She ate some treats- oats and blueberries. She seems interested enough in food.


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