Does coccidiosis always cause blood in poop?


Mar 25, 2022
I lost a quail a few weeks ago, and my other one (I only had 2) is sick. She's lethargic, eyes closed, fluffed feathers, and mucus only poops that started today. I thought maybe she's depressed from losing her sister but the poops changed my mind. Does this sound like coccidiosis? Thanks in advance
No not all cocci will have blood
Is it very fast acting? My quail seemed off for a while, then one passed away 2 weeks ago, now this one seems off. It's probably been over a month. The mucus poop is new. I've been putting amox in the water, she seems to have become a little less lethargic, now actively fighting me when I try to catch her to force feed her.

Any suggestions?
Is it very fast acting? My quail seemed off for a while, then one passed away 2 weeks ago, now this one seems off. It's probably been over a month. The mucus poop is new. I've been putting amox in the water, she seems to have become a little less lethargic, now actively fighting me when I try to catch her to force feed her.

Any suggestions?
If quail can get cocci id treat them. Ive been at war with cocci with my chicks everytime I treat them weeks later they get it again
No there is not always blood.

The sporozoites and merozoites attack the surface cells of the intestines. After replication, these cells burst and render much of the guts unusable, that's why you get diarrhea. The blood vessels are not laying directly in the intestines but some layers above the surface. It's only when the damage becomes really severe that there will be blood in their droppings.

If she is left alone chances are huge she is mourning and you should get her some company as soon as possible or it can be fatal.
No not all cocci will have blood
I should have mentioned she is a bobwhite
If quail can get cocci id treat them. Ive been at war with cocci with my chicks everytime I treat them weeks later they get it again
No there is not always blood.

The sporozoites and merozoites attack the surface cells of the intestines. After replication, these cells burst and render much of the guts unusable, that's why you get diarrhea. The blood vessels are not laying directly in the intestines but some layers above the surface. It's only when the damage becomes really severe that there will be blood in their droppings.

If she is left alone chances are huge she is mourning and you should get her some company as soon as possible or it can be fatal.
I want to give her a friend but I don't want her friend to get sick 😕 I just don't understand what specifically is wrong with her! I'm so aggravated, I'm building a giant coop with a pond and trees in it for her, I definitely will get more quail, but I need her to be better!

Do you think I should continue with the amox and also just give her the cocci meds too? Since I have no idea what it is
I would at least get her company she can see, you can keep them apart in the run, but a bird should really never be alone. I can't stress that enough.

It's very difficult to make a diagnosis online, especially with these very common symptoms, only a vet can make a correct diagnosis. Could you post a photo of her droppings maybe? What color are the droppings? Is she still eating and drinking?
I would at least get her company she can see, you can keep them apart in the run, but a bird should really never be alone. I can't stress that enough.

It's very difficult to make a diagnosis online, especially with these very common symptoms, only a vet can make a correct diagnosis. Could you post a photo of her droppings maybe? What color are the droppings? Is she still eating and drinking?
I'm out right now but I can describe it pretty well. Some of her poop is pure yellowish mucus, it's clear jelly mucus with a yellow tinge. Sometimes her poop is the mucus with some normal poop in it. Ruffled feathers, lethargic, she was like this a bit before her sister left, without the mucus poop. I was thinking maybe a respiratory infection, I got her into a big parrot cage I had on hand instead of her normal 6ft enclosure.
I would at least get her company she can see, you can keep them apart in the run, but a bird should really never be alone. I can't stress that enough.

It's very difficult to make a diagnosis online, especially with these very common symptoms, only a vet can make a correct diagnosis. Could you post a photo of her droppings maybe? What color are the droppings? Is she still eating and drinking?
You know what, there's a quail my husband accidently lost. They scream to eachother, maybe I can recatch her. Do you know if I can house other types of quail with Bobwhites?

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