Does anyone use the nipple water drinkers?

These nipples look great!..... I am going to get some~ thanks for the ideas~
My nipple watering system dribbles water out the end. It is not leaking where I attached it to the jug. If I shake the jug it will stop dribbling for a while but after it is used it begins a constant drip drip drip.

Is anyone else having this problem? The nipples appear to be clean and the water jug is full

Thanks for the comments
Try getting another container and mount or screw in the nipple so that it is pointing towards the ground, mounted in the bottom of the container. My first try was a one gallon Rubbermaid jug and I mounted the nipple at the bottom edge on the side of the container. It leaks like a sieve. The next one I screwed into the bottom of the container and it works great. Since they are designed to work on gravity for flow I think they need to have the pressure of the water on the top of the nipple (the part inside the container) to work properly.
I use them and just got the Farm Tek nipples [threaded]. the shipping for 6 was the same as for 3, [and the same price as 4 nipples!] I am planning to make more waterers and will use 2 or 3 nipples/bucket. Even with that shipping, the cost is just $3.33/nipple. The buckets are free so that is way less than even a tiny waterer.

As an added bonus. I get to use my power tools! [drill]
I drill a tiny hole near the top of the container so that I can keep the lid on and keep dust out of the water.
I bought 4 of these nipples from Tek Supply. I use them inside the coup but have a 5 gallon waterer in the run. I find they prefer the 5 gallon waterer over the nipple type. They do use the nipple version mostly when the other is empty. I question whether they are really getting enough water. Right now the nipples are all froze up with the low temps. I ended up building the water tin waterer which is inside the coup with no water in the run right now.
My girls took a few hours to figure it out and now love the nipples. I have them mounted to a 5 gallon bucket, pointed down at the ground by a few brass fittings. I clean it out and refill every 2-3 weeks so they have fresh water. The best part is that there is no poop in their water supply. BTW I had to mail order the nipples because my local store did not sell them.

I've run an outdoor extension cord to the nipple water bucket with an aquarium heater submerged in the bottom of the bucket. Our temps have been down to -10 several nights and the water and nipples are always fine in the morning. If you use the aquarium heater you must be sure that it is always covered by water.
I've run an outdoor extension cord to the nipple water bucket with an aquarium heater submerged in the bottom of the bucket. Our temps have been down to -10 several nights and the water and nipples are always fine in the morning. If you use the aquarium heater you must be sure that it is always covered by water.

When I first started my 5 chicks on the nipples, I was worried about having to switch during the winter. I have two nipples at the bottom of a two gallon bucket with a bird bath heater in it. Even with the negative temps we've had in the past couple of weeks, my nipples have not frozen.
I think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I've run an outdoor extension cord to the nipple water bucket with an aquarium heater submerged in the bottom of the bucket. Our temps have been down to -10 several nights and the water and nipples are always fine in the morning. If you use the aquarium heater you must be sure that it is always covered by water.

When I first started my 5 chicks on the nipples, I was worried about having to switch during the winter. I have two nipples at the bottom of a two gallon bucket with a bird bath heater in it. Even with the negative temps we've had in the past couple of weeks, my nipples have not frozen.
I think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I am going to give a resounding he** yeah!! They sure are and I've done the same thing re the bucket and I'm using a deicer safe up to 15 gallons and it rocks! Freezing temps and all, they just push on the nipple and the water comes out. Love that!

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