Does anyone else teach their precious chickens tricks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 30, 2012
I love to be outside with my chickens, and so I teach them tricks too! I've taught them to jump high for treats, jump onto my lap for a few mealwoms, and one has accidently gotten to my head! I use mealworms that I usually buy from TSC, they're probably at other feed stores too. But my chickens love those. They'd do anything to eat a few. Then I decided I'll play around with them and teach them itty bitty tricks! Its awesome to see how quickly they learn, which goes to show how smart these little birds are! I'd LOVE to hear cute little stories about your chickens, or any animal. It doesnt matter! :)
Mine come when called, I don't have to have food for them to come running, they are just happy to see me, and I them.

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