Does anyone else herd their chickens?



Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I let my chickens and ducks out 3 - 4x per week to free range. They are usually let out late morning until just before dusk. Their ranging territory is about 2 - 3 acres around my house, pond, barn, and part of the pasture area. When it's time to go back in their chicken yard, they aren't always ready to call it a day... I used to walk around clapping my hands as the "signal" that it's time to go back to the coop area. About 2 years ago, I started herding them with my 4 wheeler instead... Now when it's dusk and they hear the 4 wheeler start up, they automatically start heading for the chicken yard... 😂 I inevitability get that one maverick on occasion who decides to go rogue and I need to go chase them down to remind them who's boss.

Curious to know who else herds their flock and how you do it?


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I let my chickens and ducks out 3 - 4x per week to free range. They are usually let out late morning until just before dusk. Their ranging territory is about 2 - 3 acres around my house, pond, barn, and part of the pasture area. When it's time to go back in their chicken yard, they aren't always ready to call it a day... I used to walk around clapping my hands as the "signal" that it's time to go back to the coop area. About 2 years ago, I started herding them with my 4 wheeler instead... Now when it's dusk and they hear the 4 wheeler start up, they automatically start heading for the chicken yard... 😂 I inevitability get that one maverick on occasion who decides to go rogue and I need to go chase them down to remind them who's boss.

Curious to know who else herds their flock and how you do it?
I let my chickens and ducks out 3 - 4x per week to free range. They are usually let out late morning until just before dusk. Their ranging territory is about 2 - 3 acres around my house, pond, barn, and part of the pasture area. When it's time to go back in their chicken yard, they aren't always ready to call it a day... I used to walk around clapping my hands as the "signal" that it's time to go back to the coop area. About 2 years ago, I started herding them with my 4 wheeler instead... Now when it's dusk and they hear the 4 wheeler start up, they automatically start heading for the chicken yard... 😂 I inevitability get that one maverick on occasion who decides to go rogue and I need to go chase them down to remind them who's boss.

Curious to know who else herds their flock and how you do it?
I herd my flock with clapping,guiding with sticks,and arm waving!:D Many of my chickens are pro’s at the routine and just walk in their coop when they see me coming.Others are more like sugar high cats that test me playfully before finally giving up and going back in.Whoever says you can’t herd chickens isn’t doing it right!One of the funnest parts of the day for me and them!
I herd my flock with clapping,guiding with sticks,and arm waving!:D Many of my chickens are pro’s at the routine and just walk in their coop when they see me coming.Others are more like sugar high cats that test me playfully before finally giving up and going back in.Whoever says you can’t herd chickens isn’t doing it right!One of the funnest parts of the day for me and them!
I do this too...with the waving arms. Mostly when they are too close to the fence for me to herd them safely with the 4 wheeler. I'll just hop off and walk towards them waving my arms. That usually prompts them to walk towards the pen door.
Our chickens go in by themselves when the light is low enough. I used to go to all kinds of effort to get them in earlier, guiding them, chasing them, bribing them. Now I just relax and watch over them. The lowest in the pecking order will be forced to stay out later, sometimes 20 minutes after everyone else is in.. I don’t have to catch them and force them in, tho I used to. I just relax and let it be. They always go in.
Our chickens go in by themselves when the light is low enough. I used to go to all kinds of effort to get them in earlier, guiding them, chasing them, bribing them. Now I just relax and watch over them. The lowest in the pecking order will be forced to stay out later, sometimes 20 minutes after everyone else is in.. I don’t have to catch them and force them in, tho I used to. I just relax and let it be. They always go in.
Mine will too.... However, we have foxes and coyotes that start hunting around dusk. If I don't put them away just BEFORE dusk, there's a chance that one will get poached.... So I'm diligent about watching the sun and timing their check-in time accordingly. I do allow them to hang out in the chicken yard for a while and then put themselves to bed in their coop on their own time. The chicken yard is fenced and netted over the top so it is generally safe from predators.

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