Does Alaska have Cecal Worms?


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
Hey everyone. I really need to know if Alaska has cecal worms or if you dont know can you tell me where to source this information?? I researched all over and cant get an answer. Please help.
I think internal parasites can exist anywhere on earth, I don't think any place could be considered immune from them, though some environments are more conducive to them than others. Wildlife carries them, etc, some are very host specific, some are less so. If you suspect cecal worms then I would either 1. get a fecal test done by a veterinarian, any vet can do it. Or 2. just worm your birds. It's pretty safe and unlikely to do any harm even if they don't have them. If you are seeing symptoms and they resolve after proper treatment, then you are good to go. In some cases and some environments, regular worming may be needed to keep them healthy, reinfection from the eggs in the environment can happen.
I think internal parasites can exist anywhere on earth, I don't think any place could be considered immune from them, though some environments are more conducive to them than others. Wildlife carries them, etc, some are very host specific, some are less so. If you suspect cecal worms then I would either 1. get a fecal test done by a veterinarian, any vet can do it. Or 2. just worm your birds. It's pretty safe and unlikely to do any harm even if they don't have them. If you are seeing symptoms and they resolve after proper treatment, then you are good to go. In some cases and some environments, regular worming may be needed to keep them healthy, reinfection from the eggs in the environment can happen.
Thank you so much!! I have wormed them and no worms came out🤷‍♀️. Thank you again!!
When you worm them, if they have worms, you often will see nothing. Occasionally a dead or dying worm might be expelled, but more often they are just digested inside the bird and you never see any. Live worms before treatment are the same way, if a bird is carrying a heavy load you may see an occasional worm in droppings, but more often they live their entire life cycle inside the bird, and are digested when they die. The fecal looks for the eggs in the droppings, which are microscopic.
When you worm them, if they have worms, you often will see nothing. Occasionally a dead or dying worm might be expelled, but more often they are just digested inside the bird and you never see any. Live worms before treatment are the same way, if a bird is carrying a heavy load you may see an occasional worm in droppings, but more often they live their entire life cycle inside the bird, and are digested when they die. The fecal looks for the eggs in the droppings, which are microscopic.

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