Do your White Leghorns eat a lot of greens?

Mrs. Mucket

9 Years
May 3, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I have several brown-egg layers and four White Leghorn hens. The WLH are always on the go foraging around everywhere, first out in the morning and the last in at night. The others are a little less active but they all seem to like being out and about.

This spring as the yolks in the brown eggs progressively get deeper in color, the WLH egg yolks remain light as if the hens are not even eating any greens.

I'm wondering if the WLH just look for worms and bugs while the other hens are eating plants. They all get dry feed as well.

Anyone else have similar observations?
Mine are still pullets but my leghorns are foraging a lot...and they eat like velociraptors...anything they can...I'll see when they start laying.
My leghorns are only 14 weeks old, so they are not laying yet. Mine eat a ton of greens and seem to eat the same as my brown egg layers.

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