Do your geese have a favorite treats?


8 Years
Mar 17, 2016
Red bluff
Hello i have 2 gosling and i was wondering what you give your babies as treat? My husband is a truck driver and is worried they will dislike him since he isnt home as often. I figured treats is always a good eat to fix that. :)
Geese are individualistic so some like some things while others will like something else, but they definitely do have their favorites. 😂

Parsnip and Delphi are addicted to tortillas. Roxby likes them sometimes, the rest don’t have much interest.

Roxby, Apricot, Tuesday, Dandelion, and Helios love bananas, some of the others either don’t like them or are “meh” towards them. If one of the others gets between Roxby and his nanas there will be blood shed though.

Half the flock likes tomatoes, the others don’t.

Everyone loves blueberries except Tuesday and her mom Delphi.

Everyone except Parsnip, Leo, and Delphi like carrots and broccoli.

Sometimes everyone likes strawberries, sometimes they don’t. Plums are also a case by case situation.

Most of the geese like oranges and mandarins, Friday and Leo are obsessed with them.

Half the flock likes cabbage.

Romain lettuce, lettuce in general, grapes, cucumbers, corn, watermelon, cantaloupe, clover, and apples are loved by everyone, except my old gander Thor who thought apples were trash.

Everyone hates peas which I’ve heard is strange because everyone else’s geese love them.

Point is there’s lots of options to try, geese can take awhile to get used to something or be willing to try something new sometimes, if they see you handling or eating something they’re more willing to try it.
Things to avoid are things that for the most part you shouldn’t feed to dogs either, like onions, chocolate, avocado, and so on.
Another rule to abide by is if you wouldn’t eat it, they shouldn’t eat it, so nothing rotting or moldy.
Your geese are BEAUTIFUL!

Among my geese's favorite treats are diced-up carrots, grapes and peas (@Goosebaby -- you may indeed have the world's ONLY geese who don't like peas :D).

Mine also LOVE dandelions, which is fortunate because my yard -- on the other side of their fence -- always produces plenty. I started feeding them dandelions when they were babies, and they've loved them ever since. No dandelion exists where my goose girls can reach.

BTW, mine also like to "make" their own treats by nibbling wood, including house trim and a wooden settee -- not their most lovable trait!
mine always say YaY to romaine or green leaf lettuce, kale, dandelion-leaves, appleslices, corn on cob, and peas! watermelon, cabbage and broccoli are just “ok” lol
hell no to bananas or grapes lol

eta. /. i forgot cucumber… and zucchini that’s in the Ok Category too
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